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"You did what?!" Curt yelled out. His fist slammed on the desk. "I thought that the rest of the guys were the ones to worry about. I thought I could trust you!"

"I know sir, I.."

"I don't care about your petty apologies and excuses. You're dismissed," Curt snarled. The man he had been yelling to left the room with his head between his shoulders and a panicked look on his face.

Jacob didn't feel sorry for him though. No one came out of a scolding from Curt unscratched and Jacob knew that the man would get his real punishment later, but he also knew this man had been pretty stupid to cross Curt the way he did. No, he didn't feel sorry for him one bit.

"Come in Jacob," Curt said. Jacob swallowed and entered, his head held high and a stern look on his face.

"Shouldn't we go check on the boy now, sir? It has been a couple of hours," he said. Curt laughed.

"Don't have to pretend like you have a broom stuck up your arse Jay," he said. "We only have a few men around here. Loyal men. It's fine."

Jaocb relaxed and smiled. "Good to see you again," he said.

Curt smiled back. "I already sent someone up there. He will be back shortly. If you're so concerned about the boy's wellbeing you could wait for a few minutes to hear what he has to say." Curt looked down on his desk again, flickering trough some papers and Jacob tensed again. What if Troye still hadn't woken up?

A short knock was heard and a man came in. "Sir," he said. "The boy is fine. It's just that he, um.." the man trailed off as he saw Jacob standing there.

"Continue, Drake. I don't have the whole day," Curt said impatiently.

"Well sir, the boy has a bruise on his face." For a moment there was a complete silence in the room.

"He has a what?" Curt said silently. His silent voice was even more threatening than an actual threat. Jacob swallowed. Why was it suddenly so warm in here?

"There is a small bruise on the left side of his forehead sir. His hair is long enough to cover it however, if he doesn't move too much before the picture is taken." The man seemed uneasy. He didn't show it clearly, but after spending so much time with Curt and his company Jaocb had learned to read people the way few others could. Curt nodded slowly and got up.

"I want to see it for myself," Curt snapped. "Walk with me Jacob" he then said. The man stayed in his spot and Jacob knew that when Curt came back, no matter how long it took, the man would still be standing there in the exact same spot. Curt wasn't one to mess around with, and he liked to be in perfect control of everything and everyone. Wanted to know everything that was going on and every move these men made would be something he told them to do. Even their peeing breaks were scheduled for fucks sake.

Jacob trailed after Curt through the door and to the left, towards the staircase leading up to the third floor. Then they went through the corridor, going right and ending up in front of the door which Curt unlocked. As they entered Jacob sent a silent prayer up into the big nothing if Troye could please be awake and please not have a bruise that big and please not be mad at him for being the cause of this bruise and also please not say anything about Jacob having dropped by earlier.

Curt was already examining the bruise on Troye's face, pushing his hair up to get a clearer view while Troye glared at him. Jacob almost smirked involuntarily. Troye wasn't one to go down without a fight, he had figured that much already.

"How did this happen?" Curt demanded.

"We think it happened when he fell in the plane, sir," a man standing guard spoke. Troye's eyes went wide in shock.

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