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"Troye, you have to eat something." Jacob was close to giving up as Troye just shrugged.

"I told you, I'm not hungry."

"For two days straight? Troye, come on. You're not sick or anything are you?"


"Then why won't you eat anything? For fucks sake. You're not on a hunger strike or anything right? Because if you are, you're doing it wrong."

Troye looked at Jacob and stayed silent.

"Since a hunger strike would only work if you tell people you're doing one and telling them your demands they'll have to meet before you will eat again..." his voice slowly died out as he saw Troye had lost interest in him already and Jacob sighed. It had all started yesterday morning. When the guard came down from waking Troye up he was laughing, saying the boy must've finally decided to cooperate with them. Jacob had found this odd; it wasn't really like Troye hadn't been cooperating with them before. What on earth could that guy mean? So, Jacob had gone upstairs to check on Troye, but the boy seemed normal as ever as they just chatted for a bit.

The real struggle had only arrived when he tried to give Troye his breakfast. Troye had refused to eat it, saying he wasn't hungry yet. At first Jacob understood; he was probably still full from yesterday or something. It wasn't like the guy had much to do to burn carbs, anyway.

So he had left because he had to fix some other business, and when he returned that evening he decided he would eat his dinner together with Troye. When he came up however, he saw Troye already had a plate standing in front of his chair. "A sandwich for dinner? Ain't they free giving," he had mocked. Instead of being met with the usual laugh Jacob had gotten so used to, all Troye had given him was a blank stare and a short "It was my lunch." That was when Jacob had gotten worried. Troye hadn't eaten all day?

With dinner Troye had been just as difficult, and after a while Jacob had just given up. "Fine! Go sleep then if you don't want my company," he had said. Then he had walked out, giving someone else orders to tie Troye loose so he could sleep.

Now he regretted that decision; today the boy seemed even worse than yesterday. Not only didn't he eat – he barely spoke. Only the necessary responds were heard from Troye.

Troye himself didn't notice Jacob's struggles though. All he knew was that he was tired. So, so, very tired. He didn't want to eat, he didn't want to talk. Heck, he didn't even want to sit down really. He just wanted to be left alone on his bed, preferably in the dark so he could just sleep. Sleep forever. That was what he really wanted right now. And Jacob, he was just getting in the way of that. He was angry at him for some reason, and he kept pushing the plate towards him which made Troye feel sick. Normally he liked fries, but he felt had eaten nothing else but McDonalds for a lifetime. He just wanted it to stop. He wanted everything to stop.

And he also wanted to breathe in the fresh air again, to read a book, to finally fucking decide something about his own life again. He felt like he had been in this room for years, while it had probably just been a few weeks. Or months? Troye had no idea. Maybe it had been a year by now, though that would be strange. He didn't think they would keep him alive for a year. Heck, they might already be getting sick of him. Ah well, why bother thinking about it? It was not like he really cared. His mind felt foggy.

Troye looked up again and saw Jacob was looking at him, talking. Oh. He seemed pretty mad. Ah well. As Troye looked, Jacob sighed and picked up his plate, taking a fry and popping it in his own mouth. Then Jacob groaned. "It's already gone cold now anyway." He sighed and looked at Troye again. "Can I at least get you anything else? Anything?" Troye shrugged.

stockholm syndrome - tracobOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora