Chapter 15 - Full Moon Surprise

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The day of the full moon James had told me about has Remus seeming a little off.  He is eating anything in sight, and I witness him almost take a chomp out of Sirius' hand, which although strange is quite funny.

Evening brings even weirder symptoms.  Remus doesn't show up for supper, and so I go looking for him.  It doesn't take long to find him in the hospital wing.  I peer through the crack in the door and listen in.

"...drink it, you'll never get through this if you don't," Madam Pomfrey is saying to a stubborn Remus.  "Hurry up, or we won't have time to get you outside!"

Outside?  I am confused, and even more so when I smell something terrible from inside.  It smells of week-old rubbish, and I have to pinch my nose to keep from gagging.  I wonder why the Healer would make anyone drink such a thing.

Soon, I hear footsteps coming towards the doors.  I back up behind one as it swings open, and see Madam Pomfrey leading a retching Remus outside.

I follow them once I'm sure they won't turn back around and see me.  I hide constantly because I mistake their footsteps for Filch's, our caretaker who loves to punish students over everything.

I see them reach the Whomping Willow and Remus slides down a little chute that seems to lead down into the roots.  Madam Pomfrey turns and I race into the Forbidden Forest, the closest place to hide.  She turns in my direction hearing the leaves crunch under my shoes, but decides it must've been a mouse.  As she heads up to the castle, I sneak over to the chute and slide down it.

As I go, I get a quick glimpse of the moon peeking out from behind clouds.

The heat from the May afternoon has made the room I find myself in overheated.  Sweat beads up on my forehead, a combination of the temperature and the fear I feel as I slowly walk down the hallway.  I am overcome with a feeling of dread as I get closer to where I sense Remus to be.  My legs feel like lead and my heart feels like it's going to pump its way out of my chest at any second.

Suddenly, an earsplitting howl startles me and I run to the door it comes from, fearing for what has happened to Remus.  I open the door and I see something that chills me to the bone.


Cliffhanger!!!  I can't wait to update, and all my fellow Potterheads probably knew from the second I mentioned Remus' name what happened to him, just don't spoil it for anyone who doesn't know.  I love Harry Potter, and I have gone through many rewrites in my head to get to this point.  Thanks for staying with me this far!

Peace out,

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