Chapter 17 - Healer to the Rescue

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In the morning, I am awoken by Madam Pomfrey bustling towards me.  I remember most of the night, but I think I blacked out after the floodgates broke.  I look downward and barely believe what I see.  My leg is covered in dried blood, and the gash appears to be infected.

"Miss Redmond!" Madam Pomfrey cries in alarm.  "What are you doing dow--"

Her sentence is cut off when she sees my cut and the bite mark on my arm.  "Well, you're in luck, I came down here to fetch Remus.  I don't even want to know how or why you came down here, but you are lucky to have survived a nasty bite like that," she tells me.  "Well, come on, then, let's get Remus and head to the hospital wing."

With the Healer pushing open the door, I see Remus with a pale face and blood-soaked floors in his room.  I gasp, and try to run over to help him, but I fall on my face as my injured leg gives out.  "Miss Redmond!  I will get him, you are in no shape to walk, let alone run," Madam Pomfrey scolds.  Remus appears to be okay, he just has a couple scratches.

He gets to his feet and comes over to help lift my dead weight onto their shoulders.  My feet drag the floor, but they don't hurt.  The rest of my body, however, is killing me.


Upon reaching the hospital wing, we find James, Sirius, Peter, and Lily crowding around a bed.  They reach out for Remus, then realize I'm the one being dragged and Remus is helping drag me.  There is an intake of breath at my obviously awful-looking injury and then hands are reaching for my body to get me onto the bed.  I let them pull me onto the soft surface and I hear Remus enter the one next to me.

Madam Pomfrey, after disappearing for a moment, returns with a vial of some random potion that instantly soothed my entire body.  She murmurs spells under her breath and I feel my wounds stitching up.  In a couple minutes, I feel as good as new.  I try to sit up, but the Healer insists I lay back down.  Remus groans, and I feel bad for him.  However, I needn't have worried.  In an hour, we are released.

As we head back to the common room, Lily and James prop Remus up as Sirius and Peter help me walk.  Although we insist we're fine, they still help.  I'm secretly grateful, and thank them when they lay my body on the ground where they have a pallet set up out of pillows and soft blankets.  They take good care of me and Remus for the next couple hours, and I try to think of a way to repay them.

They insist they don't want us to repay them, and they reason with me saying, "I know that you would do the same for me, and you wouldn't want payment, either."  They have a good point.

Dinner is a struggle to get to our table, but Dumbledore saw my state and created a distraction for us to get seated.  I'm thankful and write a mental note to thank him when I next see him.


When everyone else has left, I have my chance.  "Thanks," I say, just loud enough for him to hear but nobody else.  He looks down at me and smiles.


Well, this feels like another short chapter, but I couldn't think of anything else to write that went with the title.  It was too different anyway, but whatever.

Peace out,

Stacie Redmond and the Shrieking ShackOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz