Chapter 3

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Despair is an interesting emotion. It's the feeling of your heart in your stomach, your palms covered in a layer of sweat, you feel as if you may pass out at any second. But on the other hand, you never feel more alive. That pain, that fear, it makes you remember who you are. It makes you remember you're human, and you can feel pain.

That's the feeling Jack was currently dealing with. He had confessed his secret to the stunned boy with closed eyes, and he had yet to open them. Yet to meet those viridian orbs with blue ones of his own. He was terrified to do so. Terrified of Hiccup's reaction. Terrified he might lose a friend.

"H-Hiccup, please.. s-say something. Anything!" Jack sobbed, eyes still closed, clutching his chest. "Don't hate me.. Don't hate me.." Jack kept repeating the phrase, perhaps trying to convince himself as much as Hiccup.

An eternity passed, at least that's what it felt like to Jack. In reality, it was only a few seconds. His despair deepend, he felt as though he was drowning, and he wanted nothing more than for Hiccup to save him.

And he did.

Without a word, Hiccup lunged foward and embraced Jack in the most bone-crushing hug he'd ever recieved. Jack gasped, partly out of surprise, partly because Hiccup's arms squeezed the air out of him.

"I'm so proud of you, Frosty." Hiccup said, as Jack's tears stained his shoulder, his white-haired friend finally returning the hug.

"You're w-what..? Proud..?"

"Of course Jack, you did it. You told someone, and I don't hate you. See? I told you I could never hate you. You're still you Jackie, you haven't changed, you just let me see all of you." Hiccup responded, tears of his own now falling.

Another interesting emotion is relief, and blows despair out of the fucking water. Jack's tears, sobs, and heavy breathing were now resemblant of that emotion. Relief.

Silence enveloped the two boys, the only noises that reached their ears were Jack's uneven breathing and Hiccup's quiet reassurances as he rubbed his hand up and down Jack's back.

Hiccup was feeling conflicted, but he couldn't put his finger on why. Of course he accepted Jack without question, of that he was sure. But there was another emotion that flickered quietly through his eyes. Jack had opened up to him, made himself the most vulerable he's ever been, shared his deepest secret with him. For that, he was eternally grateful. Grateful that Jack trusted, loved, and cherished him enough to share this milestone with him.

Hiccup realized something there. Him and Jack, they have always been by each others side. Jack had never betrayed him, never hurt him, never let him down. The same couldn't be said of his ex-girlfriend, who was an afterthought at this point. Hiccup was confused, but decided to forget about his emotions for right now. Jack was the most important thing right now. He was always the most important thing.

They partially release from their hug and held each other at arm's length. Jack's breathing had slowed considerably. Hiccup took note of the drying tracks of tears staining the boy's normally pristine alabaster skin. He hated those tears, hated the pain they brought his friend.

Hiccup's eyes flickered down to Jack's lips. Jack lipped them self-consciously, confusion layering over his eyes. His auburn-haired friend open his mouth, suddenly breathing through his nose right now was too much of a chore.

Jack broke the semi-awkward silence with an uncertain question. "Hiccup what are you-"

And before he could finish his though Hiccup removed his hands from Jack's shoulders, took two fistfuls of his light-blue T-shirt and smahsed their lips together.

Jack froze in shock. It took his brain a few precious moments to register what the fuck was happening. After the intial wave of confusion, Jack's brain jumped into over-drive. He immediately responded, grabbing Hiccup by the nape of the neck and hungrily moving his lips agaisnt the other boy's.

Jack couldn't believe it. He was kissing Hiccup. Kissing Hiccup. He didn't give his mind a chance to reason or respond as the green-eyed boy prodded Jack's lips with his tongue, silently asking for entrance. Jack complied willingly and laced their tongues together. He savored in the taste that was so Hiccup. Jack was on cloud nine. Hiccup was like a drug, and he wanted more, needed more. Jack slowly fell deeper under this spell, almost paralyzed by lust. His brain forced him to take note of the new found tightness of his navy blue boxers.

Hiccup was swimming in emotion, confusion, surprise, lust, greed, want, need. He couldn't explain what compelled him to jump Jack like this, but he honestly wasn't complaining at this very moment. Hiccup continued to almost angrily moved his lips and tongue in tandem with Jack. It was a flash of flesh, lips, teeth, and lust. The feelings were overwhelming, he could feel Jack's hands in his hair, he could feel his tongue grappling with his own, and he loved every second of it. Hiccup took his hands, still clutching Jack's chest and slowly, almost hesitantly pushed the lithe frame of his friend onto his back. Hiccup climbed over to Jack, placed himself snuggly between the bewildered and star-struck boy's thighs, and pressed his body agaisnt him to resume their previous carnal activites. Immediately on contact, both boys groaned with pleasure as their erections rubbed on one another, seperated by only a few thin layers of fabric.

"Hic.." Jack gasped with want, struggling to get the words out between heavy breaths and Hiccup's mouth claiming his own.

"Jack. Don't. Talk." Hiccup spoke in broken sentences as his mouth was attacked between each word.

"Oh God.." Jack moaned when Hiccup chose to slowly, painstakingly rake his hips up the other boy, attempting to acheive the closeness that they both so badly desired.

In a moment of clarity, Jack reached for the hem of the other boy's shirt and began tugging, wordlessly asking Hiccup to remove the pesky piece of clothing that was concealing the sinewy, taut body of his friend.

Hiccup complied, seperating their bodies for a brief second while he removed the impeding piece of cloth and quickly reclaimed Jack's mouth. Electricity crackled between both boys. Setting nerve endings on fire and dilating pupils. The physical recation was apparent to both as they continuted wordlessly.

Jack smiled to himself, he quickly flipped his hips, reversing their postions and earning a surprised squeak from Hiccup. After his sudden surprise, Jack attacked Hiccup's jaw. Peppering soft kisses down the slightly stubbled face. Jack moved onto his neck and sucked. Hard.

"Ahhh.. Ahh..!" Hiccup exclaimed, eyes shooting wide with pleasure. He was certain that would leave a mark.

Abruptly, Jack ceased with his attack. He propped himself on his elbows and stared into Hiccup's eyes, face serious.

Hiccup became concerned for a moment, wondering if he had done something wrong. Both boys breathing heavily, eyes shot wide with lust, bodies covered with a sheen of sweat. Jack stared for just a bit longer, finally breaking the tension filled silence with a simple request.

"I want you to fuck me."

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