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Fishlegs was not a nosey person. In fact, he actively tried to keep himself out of other peoples business. Which is why with each step towards the tent Hiccup and Jack shared, his confusion grew. How exactly did he end up being the one to check on the boys? They had been in their tent all morning, much to the worry of their friends. At first, they all let them sleep, figuring they were up late goofing off. But now, as it approached 2 in the afternoon, it had come time to wake their lazy asses.

Fishlegs' feet crunched on the gravel and he glanced at the dead fire in front the small, red tent. It had been a long time since their was any heat emenating from those logs.

"Hiccup? Jack?" Fishlegs' spoke. Carefully at first, just probing to see if the boys were actually awake.

After recieving no response, Fishlegs became indignant.

"Guys come on, it's well past noon and this is the last day of the trip. You can't spend the whole time sleeping." He said as he reached for the zipper of the tent to wake them.

He zipped the flap and pushed it aside and oh.


There, lying together, obviously naked. Were Jack and Hiccup. Fishlegs stood frozen in shock. The noise from the tent opening stirred Hiccup, who looked around groggily.

It took his tired eyes a moment to adjust to the light and surroundings, but when he did, he yelled, his voice full of shock and embarrsment.

"FISH! CLOSE THE FUCKING TENT!" Hiccup croaked as he franticlly searched for his and Jack's undergarments. This comotion obviously woke Jack as well, who after being startled sufficently, pulled the blanket up to his chest. His face red with embarrsment.

The yelling broke Fishlegs from his shock induced state and he closed the tent with an audible 'Eeep' and scurried away.

He made his way back to their group of friends and sat down around the picnic table. All eyes were on him as they all obviously heard the yelling but had no clue what happened. Fishlegs didn't speak, instead, he stared straight ahead, eyes unblinking.

"Well Fish? What's going on with them?" Ruffnut was the first to break the silence.

"Yeah what the hell was all that?" Aster followed, his gruff voice stinging the air.

Fishlegs still refused eye contact with anyone, but spoke nonetheless.

"Oh..Yeah.. Their.. Uh. Busy! Y-yeah, very busy." His cheeks tainted pink with shame. "We should probably just leave them alone for today." He finished, much to the confused looks of all his friends.

All of their head snapped to the side and Fishlegs visibly cringed when they heard Hiccup yell loudly, drowning out audible laughter from Jack.


Camping. HiJack/FrostcupHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin