romance titles

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This was suggested by @okwardweirdo

Ever look through the romance section to see a certain title? Then, you scroll through some more and see a similar title to the one you saw earlier so you ask yourself, "hey didnt i see this before? Whats it doing down here in the depths of wattpad?" after that, you scroll back to check and finally realise....ITS THE EXACT SAME TITLE.
If you don't believe me just go seach the words "bad boy" and see how many of the same titles you can spot.

Either way, this is such a fucking cliche. (hey look that rhymed!) let me give you some examples of cliche titles....

1) the bad boy's girl (or basically any thing with the words bad boy in it)

2)For those angsty books we have stuff like "lost" , "prisoner", "revival" i dont think "revivial" has been used but yeah you know along what lines these angsty titles are along

3) fanfics be like: "im in love with..."
Or "im secretly*some fandom character's name* sister!" or the worst...."adopted/saved by..." if you have read my earlier chapter on fanfics you'll know why i hate these

4) ah yes, good old "wattapd cliches" just go type that in the search bar to see how many of the exact same title you get. (Told you this book itself is a big fat cliche/ im ironic i know)

Ok this chapter is really short and its gonna end here because there are only that many titles...YOU KNOW WHY?BECAUSE EVERYONE ELSE GOES UNDER THESE TITLES.

~angsty author out.

Wattpad clichesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon