Bad News

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*Justice's POV*
I slowly begin to wake up and look to my left to see no one with me.I get up and walk to the bathroom.I brush my teeth ,clean my face and head downstairs wondering where's Sasha.I look in the living room to see no one.I walk to the kitchen and the smell of breakfast hits me.But one thing isnt normal.I see Sasha,and I say Goodmorning ,look to my left and see's Brooklyn.I question myself wondering why she's here.I didnt bother to ask so that I wont make things awkward.

I begin to eat in silence.There both getting onto me and I had to find a way to break the awkward silence so I just said Goodmorning to Brooklyn and asked what she's up to.
"Nothing much ,just came over to actually talk to you."

"Oh ok well when do you want to talk?"
"I can wait till you finish eating then we can talk outside." Says Brooklyn.
"Okay let me just finish up."
Okay take your time Ill be waiting outside." She says as she heads outside.
I wondered what she was wanting to talk to me about and just figured it was about meeting up or what ever.I didnt think of it to much.I set my plate in the sink and told Sasha Ill clean it when Im finished talking.As I start walking to head outside Sasha pulls me and gives me a long kiss before I go causing me to smile.She sexually says "Ill be waiting for you upstairs" I felt a way..As if I actually was in love with her.My heart was racing as if I liked it.But I ignored it still smiling and head outside to Brook.
*Brooklyn's POV*
I waited already going to be 5 minutes and thought what was taking him so long.I went to look and stopped when I saw him get pulled back by Sasha and her kiss him for about 10seconds.Not that I counted but thats how long it felt.I dont know why,but I felt jealous and felt my blood beginning to boil..I waited a bit more and there he is.He walks out and says "So,what was it you needed to say to me?" It took me a bit of time for me to answer and I just said forget about it.And walked off feeling a bit sad because I think I like him..But then again Sasha is also a good friend.If I told him how I felt it would be bad news.

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