Back To School

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*Brooklyn's POV*
Its now Thursday..The day we go back to school.I was woken by the sound of my alarm.I did my morning routine and was out ready for school.
Today's also the day I feel confident enough to tell Justice how I feel.I just hope it all goes well.Just as I think of it.Guess who popped up.You guessed right.
"Oh hey Justice,about last time..Can we talk somewhere private?"
"Yeah just wait for me in the storage room,no one ever goes there,Ill be there in 2."
"Okay" I walk to the storage room and wait.
*Justice's POV*
"Goodmorning beautiful" I say to Sasha. "Morning handsome "With her cute smile."I have to go talk to someone okay,get to class Ill be there soon.Love you,bye" I head off to the storage room after I give her a kiss.I walk in and see Brooklyn waiting."What was it you wanted to say?"
"Okay,so I have to tell you the full truth about how I feel.."
"Okay go ahead Im all open ears" I say with a smile.
"Well when we were kids we had alot of good times together and I know now is different but I caught feelings for you..And I like you Justice..."
It took me a while to comprehend what she said after replaying it in my head a couple of times...I felt bad that an old friend of mine likes me...So this is what I say. "Oh..I never knew that..Im sorry I didnt know sooner if not maybe things would have been different"
"What do you mean different? Why cant it be different now?"
"Well because Sasha and I date and I love her.And I dont know if this should be said anywhere else...You and Sasha are good friends and this just took a wrong turn."
She looked down and for a moment she stood quiet but mumbled something under her breath .All I heard is that she said she knew I wouldn't feel the same and that she should of left it alone...I felt really bad for her."Hey,Brooklyn?..."
"Yeah?" She says while looking down.
"You know I still care for you right..I know this might be difficult but I know there's someone out there for you that would be very lucky to have an amazing girl like you. Im sure some where out there.Is the guy you deserve. So keep your head up Brooky." I smile just to try and put a smile on her face.But then this happens..She gets up and hugs me tightly..I think about what I should do but just found myself hugging her back while leaning my head onto hers.

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