Back to School Pt 2

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*Justice's POV*
I find myself still hugging her and her leaning her head onto my chest.She begins to look into my eyes and I look back.We had a moment.My heart begin to beat begin to raise.I was having this feeling.The feeling I had when I fell in love with Sasha...Was I falling in love?...Could it be...I suddenly snapped out of it and looked at the time.I saw that I missed first period.
"Oh shit,um we missed first period already.I have to go to class thanks for the talk and remember what I told you." I waved and smiled at her one last time.I began to walk to next period when out of no where she pulled me and kissed me on the lips.I dont know why but I didnt pull away..One part of me wanted to pull away.While the other wanted to continue the kiss.I thought for awhile and then pulled away to look to my right and see Sasha running off. I ran after her calling her name. "Sasha wait up! Its not what it looks like!" I caught up to her and grabbed her wrist trying to turn her to face me.She turned around and said "Well it seems to look like you cheated on me!"
"No Sasha please let me explain..Just please..Follow me?"
She thinks about it and decides to follow me.I take her hand and take her up to the roof top.
*Sasha's POV*
I was upset and sad about what I just saw.I didnt know what to think.I couldnt give up on him that easily.So I just went with him to see what he had to say.
*Justice's POV*
I sit down on the bench thats on the rooftop. "Sit down please.."
She sits down beside me on the bench while she has tears streaming down her face."Well about what you just saw..It isn't like that..Me and her talked and she told me about how she felt.I told her that Im in love with you and that there's someone out there for her.She was sad so I gave her a hug and then saw that I missed first period and said I have to go.I walked off and she kissed me..I didnt know what to do.So then after a bit of a freak out I pulled away..." She stood quiet for a bit..And asked "Do you like her?"
I loved Sasha and I didnt want to hurt her. "I love you Sasha and what happened with Brook isn't what I want.I want to be with you and be the reason why your happy" She smile's lightly. "Sasha,I love you."
"I love you too Justice " I gave her a quick kiss but then she held my head towards hers making the kiss stronger.She tried to take off my shirt and I told her not here.After minutes of making out we both stopped and went to class and finished our day.

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