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Cat's Pov

It's been over a week and I still can't get over the fact that Dani has feelings for Joey.

I hate it.

I'm not really the jealous type but when it comes to Joey, I'm probably always going to be jealous if another girl likes him.

But I know I can't be like that.

I sure Joey has dozens of admirers in college. So for me to be mad at Dani isn't really fair and I know that. 

It just hurts because now I definitely don't have a chance with him, because Dani likes him.

You see, things would be different if Dani was some random girl, but she's not. She's my best friend and I would never date a guy she likes and I know that she'd never do that to me, either.

And like I said, I can't blame her for liking him because of how charming he is.

Not to mention I still think he's kind of a user.

I hear a faint knock on the door.


"Who is it?"

I slowly open the door to reveal none other than Joey Graceffa standing there.

"Hey." he says.

"Um, hi? What are you doing her--." I start, but Joey swiftly covers my lips with his for a few seconds, before releasing.

"What was that for?" I ask, my voice shaking and my heart racing.

"I need you, Cat."

He kisses me again softly and sweetly as his hands travel from my face down my body, and rest on my waist. At this, I start to kiss him back, running my fingers through his hair.


Joey's Pov

Twenty minutes pass, Cat and I lie together in bed, her head resting on my chest.

"I should probably go." I say to her, while aimlessly stroking her brown locks.

"Kay." she says softly.

After we put our clothes back on, Cat walks me to the door.

"Thanks for coming over. It means a lot." she says to me, twirling her hair.

"Yeah." I laugh.

"And thank you for not calling me a pervert, smart-ass,or a user this whole time."

"How could I?" she smirks at me, biting her lip.

I laugh. Cat's actually really sexy when she wants to be.

I'll add her to my list.

 A/N Good chapter? Bad chapter? I thought this one was pretty well-written. Let me know in the comments if you want!

Blaze {A Jatrific Fanific}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя