The Feast

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Mother was ahead of me as she walked, head held high, into the great hall where the feast was located. Men ate with their hands in long rows of tables, stuffing all sorts of meats into their jaws.

At the far end of the room upon an elevated stone stage is where the high lords and ladies sat. Lord Eddard in the centre, to his left sat Robb, Bran, and then Rickon. To his right sat his wife, Lady Catelyn, two empty seats, Sansa and then Arya. I could only guess who the two empty seats were for.

I followed my mother towards the table, lifting my dress slightly so it didn’t drag along the floor. I didn’t pay much attention as the distance was closed between the two of us and the seven of them, but as I neared I began to feel rather strange.

I looked up, noticing that the entirety of the table was watching me. At first I tried to look away as if I hadn’t noticed, but as it became all too clear I had no other option but to smile.

I was seated between my mother and Sansa Stark, the eldest of the Stark girls. She fidgeted beside me as if she couldn’t contain her excitement. Why she looked excited, I couldn’t tell. "You’re Eliah Tyrell.” She turned to me in a soft, quick voice that I scarcely heard at first.

I studied her face, she was extremely beautiful and looked much older than a mere 14. She grinned widely, awaiting my answer. “I am.” I spoke, politely smiling back to her. “And you must be Sansa Stark?”She wriggled eagerly as I replied, as if she was talking to a Queen.

I sat tall in the great, wooden, throne-like chair I was given and overlooked the guests of tonight’s event. They were all busy talking, laughing, eating and drinking to notice that they were being watched. Mother sat close to Lady Catelyn as they conversed, looking happy enough. I felt out of place here. I knew no one besides my mother and everything was unfamiliar.

“I hear you’re going to be marrying my brother, Robb.” Sansa chimed, her sister Arya suddenly pushing into the conversation before I could reply.
“He likes you.” She said rather boldly. Sansa sharply turned to her sister, her face most displeased and embarrassed. “Arya!” She hissed. Arya clearly didn’t care about her sister’s approval, which was made obvious by her sharp glare in response. “Well he does. He couldn’t stop talking about you earlier.” Arya said rather seriously at first, but soon broke into a giggle.

I couldn’t help but smile at the sibling banter, it reminded me of home. “Well, the arrangement isn’t certain yet.” I said as I pulled a juicy green grape from the bunch that had been placed upon our table. We’d bought them with us from Highgarden. Its sweet flavour reminded me of home, and how much I missed it.

Sansa had noticeably cooled down from the annoyance of her sister, as she began to impatiently shuffle in her seat once more. “If you do marry…” She began, leaving me dreading the remainder of the question. “That would mean that we would be sisters. Wouldn’t it?” Her emerald eyes brightened at the thought of an older sister to share pretty frocks and gossip.

I thought about her question for a while. “Yes, I suppose it would.” The thought of even more siblings made me feel rather tense. Before I could say any more, mother turned to me grinning but said nothing.

Suddenly, Lord Eddard Stark rose from his seat. As he pushed the mountain of a chair backwards it screeched against the stone floor – silencing the entire room. My hands entwined together, nervously. Had he agreed?

“Men!” He began, strong and bold, his voice rang through the hall. “Men and Women of Westeros who have gathered this eve in honour of the North, I am honoured by your presence. We gather to discuss the joining of our two houses, the Starks of Winterfell and the Tyrell’s of Highgarden.” Sections of the crowd cheered as their noble houses were mentioned, excited by the news of the Lord. “I have made my decision.” The room silenced again. Be it good or bad, Ned Starks cold face revealed nothing. “My Son, Robb, heir to Winterfell.” He paused, looking down to his son. “Will wed Lady Eliah Tyrell. Our alliance shall be forged and held together with strong bounds. May it last!” He announced, raising his voice as he finished and leaving the room cheering once more.

I didn’t know what to say or what to do. I’d been expecting this ever since I had heard the proposal, but the moment felt surreal. The men raised their flagons in praise of the news, patting each other on the back and dancing merrily to the noisy tunes.

Sansa bounced in her chair, holding her hands together and close to her face. Mother patted me on the arm in congratulation, obviously pleased with the decision she had helped Lord and Lady Stark make. I didn't dare try and look across at Robb, for I feared his reaction just as much as my own. Was I happy? Sad? Scared? I couldn't pin down one single emotion as much as I tried.

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