Part 15

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*Derek gets up in the morning and quietly gets ready for work and leaves Meredith to sleep*

*Derek walks into work and approaches Richard and Bailey

Derek: Can i talk to you two for a second??

*All three go into the conference room*

Derek: Meredith won't be at work today... umm 

Richard: What happened??

Derek: Well yesterday she was looking at the water at her drowning site and once i got up to her and looked at her eyes she burst into tears and fell into my arms. 

Richard: Derek...was she...

Derek: I don't know i asked her and she wouldn't listen or answer it 

Richard: I have an idea....

Bailey: What may that be Richard Webber??

Richard: What if we let Meredith see the patient and talk to her under our supervision.. maybe she can relate and it will cheer her up and make her feel better and maybe even possibly make Cassadee feel better.. after all she has been told Meredith's story more than once...

Bailey: Dr Webber i just don't know if it's the right time to do that...

Richard: We can try and if things don't go well we can back out... I will inform Cassadee ahead of time and will set a special visitation hour for her and Meredith...

Bailey: Alright but only because your the boss

Richard: Derek will you run home quick and get Meredith??

Derek: Sure can!!

*Derek drives home and walks into the bedroom and sees Meredith sleeping*

*Derek leaps onto the bed while Meredith springs awake in terror*


Meredith: Derek i don't want to go anywhere...

Derek: If you are not up, dressed, and ready to go in the next ten minutes i am picking you up out of this bed and i will physically dress you and take you to the destination. 

*Meredith slaps a pillow on her head*


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