Vilkas X Reader

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Reader pov:
I opened up the door to Jorrvaskr, my arms aching. I had been training with two handed weapons all day and now I need a break.
I sat down in a chair next to Vilkas. I reached my hand over to steal his sweet roll, but Vilkas lightly slapped my hand away. I tried again, but Vilkas slapped my hand away again. I waited a few moments before trying again, but he still slapped my hand away!
I heared the sound of Aela laughing, and glared at her.

"If you want a sweet roll, take mine." Aela said.
"No. I want Vilkas's." I said. I was determined to get that sweet roll.
Aela shrugged and ate her sweet roll.

I tried once again to get Vilkas's sweet roll but failed.. again.
I sighed in frustration as Vilkas chuckled.

"Want me to give you some of my sweet roll?" Vilkas asked. I shook my head.
"No. I want that whole sweet roll!" I stated. I quickly sent my hand towards the sweet roll. This time I grabbed it and licked it.
"Well, I guess you can't have it because my saliva is on it." I stated. I quickly ate the sweet roll and licked my lips, savoring the sweet taste.
Suddenly I felt something warm on my lips. My eyes widened as I realized what was happening.

Vilkas was kissing me.

Once I got myself together, I closed my eyes and kissed back. The kiss lasted a few more seconds until Vilkas pulled away.
"Sweet." Vilkas said licking his lips. I heared Aela's laugh once again and blushed, shoving my head into Vilkas's shoulder not wanting anyone to see me blushing. Vilkas rubbed my head with his hand and chuckled.
I felt someone lift me up- I knew it was Vilkas so I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.
Vilkas walked away with me in his arms to who-knows-where.

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