Ulfric Stormcloak x Reader

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Tears streamed down my face.

How could this happen?!

Why couldn't it have been me?!

I pulled my legs closer to my body and cried. I closed my eyes and let the tears fall.

Why did you have to leave....?

You said you'd never leave me..

You said..

You said you'd never leave me because you love me...

But you're gone...

I opened my eyes and stood up from my bed- our bed.. Me and Ulfric's bed.

I whiped the tears from my face.

He loves me.

He loves me... Right..?

It's been days since I left our bedroom. Ralof comes by everyday and sits on the other side of the door and tells me what happens everyday while i'm gone. I know he hears my sobs.

I looked to my side and saw the diamond necklace Ulfric gave me when we first met. I grabbed it and put it on, along with an amulet of Talos.

I put my helmate on- to hide my face because I know I look terrible- and open the door.

I walk down the many hallways, each guard bowing as I walk by.

I open the door that leads to a large table and Ulfrics Throne. I walked towards the thrown, and sat down. I closed my eyes and let more tears stream down my face.

The large door of The Palace of Kings opens to reveal Ralof. He smiles.

"Lady Yn. You're out of that room.." He states. I nod. I don't speak. If I do my voice will crack and I won't be able to hold in the tears.

I felt a cold presence next to me. I know who it is. Ulfric. He's here.

He loves me...

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