Chapter Two- Friends.

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All the windows are rolled down, and we're listening to Pharrell. I turn the music down a bit then look over at Tyler.

"Tyler?" I ask him giving me time to think about how to phrase the next sentence so I don't offend him.

"Yeah Lu?" He already gave me a nickname.

When I think I've found the right words I say it, "Are you this nice to every girl you think is pretty?" I quickly add, "Not saying I'm pretty but you said..."

"Nah," he looks at me and shakes his head slightly.

"And you are pretty, really pretty." He looks back at the road and smirks.

"What?" I say. I don't know what he's thinking.

"Nothing..." He puts his hand on my knee and brings it up towards my thigh.

He's going too fast. I take his hand off and shift my body so I'm facing out the window, I look up and see the sunroof open, I unbuckle my seat belt, stand up and put my upper body out the top of the car. We aren't going fast, so I lift my whole body up and sit on the roof. Tyler get's worried and hold onto one of my legs. I don't stop him. The air is cold against my skin, it feels like needles. Tyler's shirt is moving rapidly in the wind. He looks up at me and smiles big, I can see the gap between his teeth. That gap looks good on him.

He pulls into a street and begins going uphill, I get back in the car and put my seatbelt on. He pulls up in front of a huge house, which isn't surprising, because he is Tyler the Creator. We get out, I'm walking slightly behind him. He unlocks the door and we walk inside. I see a staircase to my right. His house is gigantic. We walk past the living room into the kitchen.

"You hungry?" Asks Tyler.

So much has happened today that I have completely forgotten about food. I'm not even hungry now, I shake my head. Tyler puts his keys down and gestures me to follow him upstairs.We walk through the living room again. I didn't think someone could have that many sets of stairs in their house, but we finally get to the top.

"Alright heres my room," Tyler points at a door with a bunch stickers on it. We walk down a hallway, "I'm guessing you don't want to sleep in my bed but you can if you want"

I roll my eyes, "What's the other option?"

He opens the door to another room, the room is huge. "You can sleep here, there's a bathroom too. Um I'll be down the hallway if you change your mind," he winks.

"I won't," I reassure him but I don't keep a straight face because I know Tyler is joking.

Tyler is about to walk off when he turns around back to face me, "Oh yeah Lu..."

"What is it?"

"A couple of my friends are coming over tonight... You don't have to come hang out but if you want to we'll be downstairs."

I nod, "Sounds fun." It didn't really, it just sounded like a perfect opportunity for me to embarrass myself in front of important people.

He nods and walks off again. I watch him take the stairs again and he is out of sight. I walk over to the bed and fall back on it. This is all so unreal, I can't believe I'm actually at Tyler's house. I check my phone and I have three new messages; my step mom Patricia, my dad and Clementine.

From Patricia:
"Where the fuck are you Tallulah. Get you're ass home, your dad, sisters and I are worried sick. You're grounded for the rest of your life if you don't get here soon."

I don't answer.

From Dad:
"Tellulah, where are you? Please come home. We're all really worried. Love you and please call."

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