Chapter Five

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I wake up and look at my phone. It's 6:15 am. I wonder if Tyler's awake. I get up. I walk out of my room quietly, I see Tyler's door open. I peek inside. He's still asleep. He looks so cute. I just stand there and stare at his dark face. He opens his eyes slightly.

"What are you doing?" He mumbles to me. He lifts up his head a little, and smiles.

"I just woke up, I was wondering if you were still asleep.. You can go back to bed. Sorry for waking you." I say, and turn to walk out. Before I can walk out the door, he says "Wait. Lu, can I talk to you?" He has a neutral look on his face. He looks tired.

"Ya, what is it?" I say. I walk over, and sit on his bed. He moves closer to me, and sighs.

"I'm sorry for yesterday." He looks down, and avoids eye contact. I don't say anything for a while, I mean, I don't know what to say.

"I know you and Robert were trying to look out for me," I say. "But that doesn't give you the right to knock that kid out. He was just talking to me, yeah sure, he grabbed my leg..." I feel weird saying this. I fold my hands together in my lap. I feel so uncomfortable, remembering when the kid touched me. Tyler sees how awkward I'm getting.

"Lu, he deserved it. I should've been keeping a better eye on you." He tries to carress my arm, but I pull it away. I don't want to be touched right now.

"I'm not a kid. You don't need to keep an eye on me." I say coldly. I don't know why I'm being short with Tyler. It isn't his fault.

" I know you aren't a kid, Tallulah. That's not what I meant. I just don't want you to get hurt." He sounds upset, and he's sitting up now.

"I know, sorry." I say. I shouldn't be mad at Tyler. I smile. He looks at my face for a minute, and I can feel my cheeks heating up a bit.

"You look beautiful this morning." He says, not looking away from my face. I'm blushing even harder now.

"Thanks, Ty." I say, smiling. He puts his hand on my leg, and leans in to kiss me. I pull away fast, and stand up. Why is he reminding me of that kid?

"Fuck. What did I do?" He asks, looking disapointed.

"Nothing..." I feel bad pushing Tyler away so much.

"Lu, you might be upset with me when I ask, and trust me, I don't want you to go. I love you being here, but why don't you want to go home?" Tyler asks me.

He doesn't sound like he's asking me to leave, but is he?

"Tyler... I'll leave if you want."

"No! Lu. Stay. I just think there's a bigger reason to why you don't want to go home."

I shrug, "My dad married a bitch a couple years back and I always dreamt of escaping her and her daughters but I never actually got the opportunity until now. I am going to get a job though. I'll leave whenever you want" I look and Tyler and a smile spreads across his face.

"The house would be lonely without you."

I didn't even know how many days I'd been here. Three? Four? A week? It felt like I'd lived here my whole life.

"Why don't you call your real mom or some shit? Stay here, but call your mom." Tyler reminded me again he wanted me to stay.

"She died when I was nine," I shrugged.

"Oh. Damn sorry Lu. I'm fucking everything up."

I laugh lightly, "It's alright."

Just before Tyler can say anything else my phone rings. I walk out of the room and I look at the caller I.D. it's Rachel my stepsister. I hesitate before answering but I finally do.

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