Chapter Three- Paparazzi

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I must have fallen asleep, because I wake up and it's starting to get light out. I sit up and look for my phone. There's a note on it.


I'll be back in a bit. You can go in my room and wear whatever you want.


I don't think it's a good idea to stay here any longer. I grab my bag and look out the door. I don't see anyone and his door is closed. I wonder when he wrote the note, I hope he isn't here. I quietly walk out and down the stairs. I'm almost to the door. I look over to the kitchen and no one is in there, I'm about to open the door when the doorknob turns and in walks a tall guy. It's Tyler.

"Where are you going Lu?" He says looking at my stuff in my hand.

"I don't want to bother you anymore," I say, not making eye contact.

"No, you aren't at all. I like you being here." He smiles.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to feel obligated to having me here..." I feel bad.

"Tallulah, you're staying." he smiles, showing his gap and all.

"Okay, but I'm gonna find a place in the next couple days." I reassure him.

"Ya, uh-huh..." He doesn't believe me.

Oh well, I don't know if I believe me. I don't have any money and I can't go back 'home'. Maybe I can look for a job... But who is whiling to hire a 18 year old girl with no experience.

"So I was wondering if you maybe wanna go to the store with me today? You can help out or whatever." His hands are in his pockets, again.

He wants me to go to the store again? It sounds kind of fun. Hopefull I don't run into Errol he was the only one who saw what happened last night. Maybe he thought more happened. Hopefully he won't tell anyone.

"Yeah, sure." I smile and nod.

"Okay. Well you need something new to wear. Because you look ashy as fuck." We both laugh, and walk upstairs into his room. He has shelves full of tee shirts.

"You can wear anything you want. I don't think my pants will fit you though."

He quickly corrects himself "Oh I didn't mean it like that... Like you have a really nice ass.. Wait fuck no I mean..." He's stuttering.

"Tyler it's fine, I know what you meant" I laugh.

He sits down on his bed and looks over at me, waiting for me to pick something. I choose a hot air balloon button up. I saw it in the store when I first met him. I keep my back to him, and take my shirt off.

"Whoa I can leave if you want" He says. I don't really care anymore. It's just my back.

"No it's fine," I say. I put the button up on, but leave a few buttons undone. I turn around and sit beside him. I didn't realize how many buttons I had actually left unbuttoned, he turns to me and looks right at my chest.

"Damn, miss a few buttons?" He asks and buttons a couple for me.

His hands brush my skin, and it send shivers through my body. He's really handsome.

"Thanks..." I look down, I can feel my face turning red.

"You're really cute when you blush." He says.

It makes me blush even more. Great.

"Nuh uh." I argue.

"Ya." He moves my hair out of my face.

I don't want last night to happen again, so I get up and look in the mirror. This shirt looks good on me. I feel pretty, besides having no makeup on. I look at Tyler in the reflection of the mirror and he's looking at my kind of disappointed.

410 N Fairfax (A Tyler The Creator Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now