Chapter 25

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~Ariana's P.O.V. ~

Our kiss was interrupted by someone clearing their throat. I pulled out of the kiss, and Alan was looking at us. I knew I was blushing, and Joey's face was red as well.

"Sorry to interrupt." He said. "It's all good." I said, standing there awkwardly. Right on cue, my phone rang. The caller ID read Brittany.

"I gotta take this." I said, excusing myself from this awkward situation. "Hey, what's going on?" I said to her.

"What time do you want to go shopping?" She asked.

"Um, what about right now? If you can." I said.

"Yeah I can. Wanna meet by the park? We can walk to my house and I can drive." She said.

"Alright, that sounds good. I'll see you in a few." I said.

She said goodbye before hanging up.

I didn't realize that my dad, Caleb, and Chad had returned home. I walked back into the kitchen where all the guys were.

"Dad, can I go shopping? I met a friend and she said she would go with me." I said. He answered, "What friend?"

"Her name is Brittany. I met her at the park. She lives like right down the street." I said.

"Just be home by 5, alright. We're gonna have an early dinner tonight. Have you eaten anything today?" He asked.

"I had peanut butter. I'm fine, okay?" I said. He sighed, "I just want you to get better sweetheart."

"I am better. I'm gonna go now. I'll see you later." I lied, without saying goodbye to the other guys. I was so annoyed at the constant babying from them. I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself.

I walked down to the park to find Brittany sitting right where we were a couple hours ago.

"You ready to find the perfect dress?" She asked. I nodded. We walked to her house, and then she drove to a dress shop.

We both tried on so many dresses. I can honestly say this is the most fun I've had in a long time. "So, my friend whose having the wedding said anyone can come. Do you want to come?" I said.

She smiled, "Really?" I nodded. "Sure!" She said. "You need to buy this dress." I said. She was wearing a beautiful white dress that fit her perfectly.

We each bought a dress and returned home. We stopped in the front of my house. Before getting out, I asked, "Do you wanna stay for dinner?"

"Are you sure that's okay?" She said. I nodded, "My dad will be happy to know I actually met a good friend." She laughed, and we walked into my house.

I immediately smelt food. My dad was obsessed with cooking. He showed off, too. We went into the kitchen and all the guys were just standing around, conversing.

"Guys, this is my friend Brittany. Is it okay if she stays for dinner?" I said. My dad smiled and shook her hand, "Of course. It's nice to meet you." He said.

I helped set the table, and everyone took a seat. I was in between Joey and Brittany.

We said grace, and everyone ate. I forced myself to eat, because I wanted to show my dad I was getting better.

Even though I wasn't. I still felt regret every time I put food in my mouth.

After dinner, Austin stopped by. Her and Brittany hit it off really well.

"So, I have a surprise." She announced to everyone. We all waited with anticipation.

"The wedding is in Greece!" She screamed.

We all happy danced together. The guys thought we were crazy.

I found myself smiling again. Even though life wasn't perfect, I had some pretty amazing people around me. It gave me the sense that maybe everything would turn out okay.

And hey, what better place is there to have a wedding then Greece?

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