Chapter 26

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~Ariana's P.O.V.~

3 days had finally past and we were getting ready to leave for Santorini, Greece. The plane boarded at 6 AM; leaving us 15 minutes to wait. "The flight is 14 hours." Brittany said. I sighed, "That's gonna suck." She nodded, "We should probably just sleep so when we get there we can actually do stuff." I nodded, in agreement. "Flight 213, to Santorini, Greece is boarding." The person over the speaker said. We all walked towards the gate and handed the lady our tickets.

I was sitting in between Brittany and Joey. Chad, Alan and Caleb were sitting behind us, and Alex and Austin were in front of us. Austin turned around and said, "What do you plan on doing for the next 14 hours?" I shrugged, "Sleeping, I don't know. What about you?"

"I'm going to pop some sleeping pills and jam to music." She said. I laughed, "Nice."

"Please fasten your seatbelt." The Pilot said. Austin turned around and we all did as we were told. I looked out the window; it was still dark out. I turned to Joey. "Are you excited?" He said. I nodded, "Are you?" He smiled, "Yeah. We're gonna have some fun." He smirked. I raised an eyebrow, "What?"

"You'll see." He said. I rolled my eyes, "You suck."

He laughed, "I know."

14 hours of misery was worth it when I looked out the window. It was bright, sunny, and beautiful. "Welcome to Santorini, Greece. We hope you enjoy your stay. Thank you for flying with us." The pilot said. When we walked out of the airpot, we had a huge car waiting for us.

The ride to the hotel was long, but seeing the beautiful island of Santorini made it totally okay. As we walked into the beautiful hotel, we were greeted with smoothies. We sat down, observing the beautiful surroundings, while Alan checked in and got our rooms. About 5 minutes later, we went upstairs to put our belongings in the room.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's hit the pool." Austin said. We all changed into our bathing suits and made our way downstairs, and outside, to the pool. I didn't think this place could get any more beautiful. I was so wrong.

Alex and Austin went to the hot tub, while the rest of jumped into the pool. After chilling there for a while, Joey and I decided to take a walk along the beach. "Remember when I took you to the beach and we talked about God for the first time?" Flashbacks ran through my mind, taking me back to that day. We were sitting on the beach, when I asked Joey what kind of music he wrote. He told me he wrote about God, and how good He was.

"That feels like it was so long ago." I said. He nodded, "So, what do you think of Alex?" He asked. "He seems nice from what I can see. I'm happy for Austin. She's had a lot of problems with guys in the past. They've always treated her bad. She deserves someone who makes her happy." I smiled.

The rest of the day was spent walking along the beach, talking about life. We went back to the hotel and everyone was right where we left them. We went back to the room to shower and change.

"I want to show you guys the church were getting married in." Austin said.
The guys wanted food so they stayed while Austin led us to the church. It was right by the hotel, and it was beautiful.

"What time is the wedding going to be?" Brittany asked.

"7 pm." Austin answered.

"I'm so excited." I said. She smiled, "Me too." She said. "I'm nervous though."

"Why? You're never nervous about anything." I said. She shrugged, "What if I trip walking down the aisle?" I laughed, "You probably will."

"Well let's go get some food. I'm starving." Austin said. We walked back to the hotel and went up to the room.

There was so much food, you could feed like 100 people.

But the guys weren't there.

"What's going on?" Brittany asked, confusion in her voice.

"This is so weird." I said.

"As creepy as this is, I will not let this food go to waste. Lets dig in." Austin said.

As we ate, my mind couldn't help but wander off and wonder where the guys went.

"Where do you think they went? None of their phones are here." I said.

"I don't know, but it's kind of creeping me out. I feel like they would of at least texted us to say they were going somewhere." Austin said.

Before I could say anything, my phone started to buzz. It was a text message.

From a blocked number.

-- oooooh it's getting PLL in hurrrrr hahaa hope you guys liked this chapter peaceeee-

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