Chapter Five--Found

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This chapter is dedicated to awesomewriter120279

Warning:There will be sexual mentions in this chapter. If you do not want to read, skip it.

Neal woke up in cold sweat hoping everything had been a nightmare only to find that it was all too real. He was naked under the sheets of the bed and he was still in the dark room Hasiim had thrown him in.

Hasiim had raped him and he couldn't do a thing to stop it from happening. He fought as hard as he could but he was too weak.

Neal saw a pair of fresh clothes already set out on a chair next to the bed and groaning in pain, he got out of the bed and put them on. He sat down on the bed and stared at the door, waiting for the moment Hasiim walked in.

Neal had never wanted to kill anyone as much as he wanted to kill Hasiim at that moment. He wanted him to suffer and die. But Neal knew that wasn't going to be possible. At least not now.

Neal heard the lock on the door clock and it opened, revealing Hasiim. He smiled at Neal like everything was okay. But it wasn't.

Neal noticed that Hasiim was carrying a metal tray of food. Maybe if he could get his hands on it he could knock Hasiim out and make a run for it. He doubted it though.

"How'd you sleep?" Hasiim asked.

Neal said nothing, for if he did he would start cursing him in any language that he knew. Hasiim touched his arm gently and Neal flinched away.


Neal glared at him and moved farther back on the bed as far away from him as he could. Neal knew he was acting like a child but can you blame him?

"Don't touch me." Neal whispered angrily.

Hasiim sighed and set the tray on the bed at Neal's feet, heading for the door. "You should eat. You're gonna need your strength later."

Hasiim left the room and Neal stared at the tray of food in front of him. He felt sick to his stomach just thinking about eating. And then anger coursed through his body and he flung the tray on the floor, watching the tray clatter and the food spill all over the floor.

Neal was angry that he couldn't protect himself from someone like Hasiim. He was angry that he was weak. Angry at Hasiim for touching him and taking him from his life. He was angry that he didn't shoot him in the head when he had the chance. He was angry at himself for not fighting back harder.

Neal's sight started to blur and he blinked trying to clear it but it blurred even more and then he was crying. Sobbing silently as he layed on his side facing the wall. He only wished for Peter to find him.

And he did.

Neal was startled by the sound of gunshots firing outside the door and he sat up fast. He heard yelling but one voice stood out.

"Peter." Neal whispered.

The door flung open revealing a frantic and anxious Peter Burke. He stared at Neal for a long time before he snapped out of it and rushed towards Neal, wrapping him in a hug.

Neal hesitated to hug him back but slowly wrapped his arms around the older man. Neal felt more tears leaking from his eyes and he sniffled.

"Can we go home now?" Neal asked like a little kid.

Peter pulled away from the hug and smiled. "Yes. We can go home now."

It's been two weeks since Neal had been kidnapped and raped. He kept that part of what happened to himself. He didn't want anyone to see him as weak or pathetic.

But little did he know Peter already knew. He knew about everything Hasiim did to Neal, courtesy of one of Hasiim's men who didn't want to spend the rest of their life in a state prison.

Neal has been trying to get over what was done to him but he just couldn't. Neal had nightmares about that night and he couldn't seem to forget, no matter how hard he tried.

Peter tried to help Neal but Neal kept pushing him away. And Peter hated seeing Neal in such a state. Not eating, not sleeping, not talking. Neal wasn't his usual sneaky, cheerful always on the go happy self anymore.

And all Peter wanted to do was change that. But he couldn't unless Neal let him in.

Peter even tried to get Mozzie to talk to Neal but he wasn't listening to him either. He tried June and Sarah. He even tried Elizabeth but he wasn't letting anyone in and that was very frustrating to Peter.

Peter sighed and watched Neal, who was sitting at his desk staring off into space. Peter noticed Neal's right hand was clenching and unclenching.

Peter took a deep breath and stood up walking over to the door of his office. He pointed at Neal and jerked his head towards his office. Neal got up and walked into Peter's office.

Neal stood silently in front of Peter's desk, not saying a word. Peter watched Neal's face and said,

"We need to talk."

Neal looks at author with an annoyed look. "Oh my God! What is with you and cliff hangers?!"

Author shrugs halfheartedly and says, "I like them. Keeps the suspense going."

Peter glanced at author and then at Neal. "She's pretty good."

Author smiles blushing. "Why thank you."

Neal groans. "Whatever. Just get on with the story."

Author smirks and waved at readers. "Next time on--"

Random person in crowd. "Look this isn't a tv show! Or a spectator sport! Just get on with it!"

Author gives in. "Well since you asked so nicely..."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2017 ⏰

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