Happy Birthday?

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Z was the only one awake and he finally felt how lonely he really was. The house was quiet with only a soft humming of the fan and sun beams painting the walls a golden yellow that he loved so dearly. It was all he had. Swiftly darting his light brown eyes to the sliver plated clock, north of the room, it came to his realization that it was nearly half past six. Way too early for him to be up. Z took going back to sleep into consideration, but it wasn't his choice to make. The cold brisk air engulfed him and eased him back to sleep. It complemented the warmth that flowed from the thick soft blanket that snuggled him closely. Soon he was once again asleep, where he was no longer feeling alone.

As Z woke up to the sweet smell of chocolate chip pancakes, he smiled widely at the gracious gesture. He turned and saw Luke soundly asleep a few feet away from him. Sadness spread across his face as he remembered it was his birthday, another year without Mrs.Caffrey, another year without knowing where he came from or who his family was. With a shake of his head, as to get rid of the gloomy thoughts, he placed a smile on his face as he shook Luke awake. "Is that pancakes I smell?" he said awakening as a mischievous smile played on his face, The boys hopped up and raced down the steps to the kitchen where they were welcomed to a table full of food and Z's family happily dancing around the kitchen.

After breakfast the boys hurriedly got ready, for Z had his driver's test at one and it was already eleven-thirty. "You got this bro, I bet you'll pass easily," Luke told Z before he walked into Test n' Drive.  Z passed the test with only messing up once on the writing portion about when to flash your lights. On their way home the boys got stopped by an odd police officer who kept eyeing Z.  When the boys returned home, three-twenty, they were surprised to find all of the Caffrey's and Z's brothers and sisters friends, they had thrown him a surprise party. He was shocked into silence and the crowd gave a gleeful cheer as they understood their plan had worked. Z got a lot of history books, cool looking stones, and little artifacts, but the best gift was a car that Dan, Jake, and Violet helped pay for. It was a blue convertible with the license plate "lvrboy-7", a nickname they had made for him because of the heart mark on his forehead. The party lasted all day long, not ending until ten-thirty when the last of the guest left.Z was exhausted and retired to his room where Luke was quietly looking out the window.

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