The Other Side

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"The prophecy... it's been fulfilled, a day of love and joy, and it's almost midnight," Luke said without looking at Z. "I know. I've been thinking about it all day," Z responded which caused Luke to look his way. Before he could say anything else Z held up a crystal that gleamed yellow. "Wow, is that the crystal I gave you earlier? " Luke asked walking towards Z. He only got a nod in response as footsteps approached Z's room. Violet appeared looking concerned, "Whatcha guys up too?" She asked. "Nothing!" They responded in unison as she left shaking her head.

Later that night the boys were awaken by a flurry of light. The boys watched in awe as flecks of light seemed to dance around Z's room, but after a moment they came to realise it was only fireflies. In alarm the boys glanced at each other then at the clock, it read eleven-thirty, they quickly got dressed and followed the bugs unknowingly. They silently crept out the window and climbed down a nearby tree to follow the path of the lightning bugs. After about ten minutes of running through trees they came upon a lake and the fireflies disappeared.

Out of nowhere a beam from the Moon shot down and hit Z on the forehead. Luke rushed to check his watch, in no surprise but in much astonishment he said, "It's midnight, dude the prophecy is coming true!" Another beam suppressed from the heart on Z's forehead where the first beam had hit, opening up a portal the shined blindingly white. Luke and Z stood there in astonishment watching the fire flames around it swirl like a tornado, a strong wind started to be created. It caused an odd affect of pushing the boys into the portal, while also sucking them in.

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