Fifty two

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I was running down the stairs down to my apartment I heard someone following me I hope it's not Dan, please don't be Dan. I opened the door and closed it but I foot stopped it and the door opened and Kyle walked inside closing the door behind him.

I wiped my tears

Jade:c-can you lock that?

Kyle nodded and I sat on the floor by the couch. I feel like I'm dying everything hurts. I'm shaking and I can't stop it, I feel like I hate Dan but I know I love him. I know if he told me he loves me I'd go crawling back to him and he will probably hurt me again. I can't believe he kissed Gabrielle after all we've been though

After I told him I wanted him to be the father of my child, after I almost had sex with him, after everything! how can the person I love hurt me so much? I didn't know this hurt so much. I thought all of the girls that go though brake ups and spend a hole month crying about it were crazy. But I was wrong I understand now.

I felt arms wrap around me.

Kyle:I swear what ever Dan did I will kill him for it.

I found some way to smile.

Jade:thank you Kyle.

Kyle smiled at me. and helped me sit on the couch.

Kyle:alright, act like we are girlfriends, tell me what the piece of shit did to you.

I smiled at Kyle trying to act like a girl.

Jade:I walked in the music room, and he was kissing Gabrielle.



I said wiping the tears from my face.

Kyle:I can't believe Dan would do something like that.

Jade:I guess she's just prettier then me, maybe its because she's older.

Kyle:jade, you are beautiful. I know Dan thinks that too, you don't notice but he gets mad even when you hug me. and I'm his bestfriend. He's never done that with other girls he dated.

Jade:well, maybe he feels that for Gabrielle too.

Kyle shook his head.

I started crying again. ugh. This is horrible. a knock on the door scared me, I stood up. walking to the door and opening it. of course it was Dan I was hoping it was someone else. I started closing the door, but Dan stopped it.

Dan:jade, please!

I was crying more then ever.

Jade:G-get O-out!

He gave up on trying and I slammed the door. and turned around and had my back to the door and I slid down it. crying. I could tell Dan was there.


Dan:jade, please. let me explain! I love you.


I heard him sigh then walk away.

Thank god.

I pulled my phone out and went to my group message to Zander and Mattie

Jade:want to hang out?



Zander:burger king?



Zander:alright normal right?



I stood up. alright jade. forget about Dan. forget you even loved him. forget it.

I walked up stairs and fixed my make up. no more crying.

I walked down the stairs.

Kyle:going some where?

Jade:I'm going to say bye to my friends,

Kyle:what do you mean?

Jade:I'm going back to California to live with my aunt.

Kyle:where are you going with your friends?

Jade:burger king. do my a fav? tell Dan I'm going back to California.

I opened the door and walked out. Zander was there in his car and so was Mattie I jumped inside and we drove off.

THE Young AND the Younger {a dan smith fanfic bastille}Where stories live. Discover now