Day 1 Part 2 : This Won't Blow You Away, The Wind Will

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    Welcome to the Third Floor! Where the high schoolers are high and middle schoolers are,  also high. Our school is a full 6-12 school, so it's packed. 

     "The smell of puberty is suffocating us," I chuckle a little. WD is hilarious when she wants to be. I quickly tell her about my story, but I can't give clues about it because I'm terrible at that. 

4th Hour Science- Because Printing Oil 

    The class is rambling over all of the storms that attacked just east of us last night. AM, probably the best artist I've ever seen, talks about here experience in the tornado area. Oh? What's this? A pamphlet? On climate change? How fitting. Mr.J discusses the project and its extra credit criteria while I type this. After that, not a second later, the class is compacted in conversations. The distinct voices blends sentences. 

    "That tornado ate my sandwich a year ago." 

   "I know, right? I ate Jennifer's cheat sheet on Monday."

       Next thing you know, that class all screams in disgust. Another atomic fart blasted across the class. Two days in a row, eh? One of the boys 5th hour yesterday drop a huge one that covered the back right of the class. I hope the kid sitting next to him has recovered. 

    "Who drew pictures on their notes yesterday?" Mr. J asked. Crap. That's me. Oh god, he's showing it around the room. My sun with a winky face burns all of these "innocent" little 8th graders' face off. I speak up. 

   "I-It's mine." He hands it to me and continues class. Only two or three people are working on the pamphlet.  Each minute a person gets started, then turns around and talk to the person behind them. I only see WD, VK and ZC, my partner in Chinese, working on it. The rest are talking about it.  

Okay, okay. I said that this would be more interesting, but this assignment ruined it all. It's not my fault though! Do you expect me to yell across the class, 

"Hey! WD! WHAT DO WANT TO DO FOR LUNCH?! WHAT I CAN'T HERE YOU! I WILL JUST ASK KJ! OKAY?!" See how stupid that would be? Oh god, oh no. ZC has her snacks spreading through the air. I smell the sweet goodness and I can't help myself but to type this. I have to go, next is lunch. I swear, you could leave this book if you want, but things will get fired up in "Round Table Truth or Dare!" Trust me, that will blow you away hopefully, just believe in yours truly, Edwin.

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