Day 10: Hang Ten

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     I don't care. I don't care is the gang-leader is your boyfriend. I don't care if the bad boy is looking at the shy girl in the back of the classroom. NO, I don't want to read a Zayn x reader book. i scroll past Wattpad trying to find something worthwhile to read. Maybe I'm a jerk for skimming past those vampire love stories and Creepypasta fanfictions. They're just not my thing you know? Why did I start off so mean this chapter? Because today, I've realized that I haven't been myself lately. I failed three quizzes in one week, I have become meaner and more judgmental. And I have been putting all that anger into this book. I have cried three times today and only KG noticed. I'd like to keep it that way. I don't want to fake a smile and say something corny like " I have a lot on my mind." But i just don't want people up in my face 'cause I'm sad. Did you just see that?! That right there is what's driving me crazy. Whatever, I have fourth hour with KJ, KM, and WD. Maybe they'll help. I sigh heavily after sighing that. Not because of them, because of me. If I appear sad to them, all I'll be doing is sky-rocketing myself into the "angsty teen" category WD speaks of. I don't want to do that. My hands are greasy from the surplus of coconut oil in my hair. I tried too hard today to make sure I don't disappoint others just by looking at me from the expense of me not messing with my stress reliever, my hair I pluck out dead ends or run through my hair if I'm stressed. Today I can't do that.  





     After talking a little with KM, KJ and WD, I feel a little better. But from crying so much I have a headache. I just can't wait to get home. Stupid teenage angst. Oh well. I'm okay, I swear. Wait, maybe I'm not. Are you sure you are okay Edwin?

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