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"I'm heading out!" Daniel called out to his family. 

He didn't bother hearing their response as he slammed the front door shut. If they hadn't heard what he had said before, they surely got the message from that.

He doubted they cared that he was going out. It was Thursday, for goodness sake. One more day till the weekend. Plus he only had warned them because his mum kept whining about not knowing where he is and being worried about him. His dad said that he preferred if he didn't go out at all. The less time he was outside, the less trouble he could get in.

Daniel scoffed at that though. Please. His dad didn't know that one way or another he would get into trouble, even if he was standing still under great supervision, someone would find a fault with him.

But he didn't escape the house to think about that. He escaped the house to think about her.

Her perfect blonde hair that he just wanted to put his hands in. Her blue eyes that, no matter how cliche this sounded, that reminded him if the sky and that he knew he could get lost in. Anyway, it was too late for him to find a way out, he was already in way too deep.

He always wondered how her lips tasted like and he knew that, if he wanted, he could find out. Girls literally came to him for more than kisses. If he kissed any of those girls, the would have more than welcome it.

But this was Alice, he was talking about. She would probably act less positively if he acted like that with her.

Daniel groaned. He needed help. He knew that. But go to whom? He would never revela to any of his close friends, such as Jack. And hell no was he going to go to his brother for advice.

Daniel turned onto a familiar street that contained a certain house. He glanced at his watch. It had just gone midnight. He wondered if I still would be awake.

He shrugged and entered my house. He honestly didn't care. He needed help. And he knew from distant, past experiences that I could be a great help.

Was I ready to redo our Saturday night outings?

Daniel went around my house till he spotted my window. He looked around for pebbles, spotted some and picked them up. Then with all his effort, he threw two in the air at my window.

Thump! Thump!

They went high and landed gently onto my window. Daniel waited for a response. Nothing. Not even the curtains moving. I better not be sleeping!

He tried again.

Thump! Thump!

This time he had a bit more luck. The curtains moved. Too much to be able to tell it was someone moving it, not from the force of the pebbles hitting the window. Daniel decided to try his luck and threw two more pebbles at the window.

Maybe this time he could get me to stick my head out ofthe window to detect the source of the noise.


"Oh! You nearly hit me."

It worked.


Daniel stepped into the light with a couple of stones in his hand and looked up at me. He wasn't sorry at all. In fact, in his opinion, I was the one who should be sorry. Here he was right in the open, where he could be caught! 

I should have hurried up.

"What are you doing? You're going to wake up everybody in the house!" Daniel started to look bored by my rant. "Don't you know it's a school day?" I paused and Daniel was briefly reminded of my aunt, whose hate for him shows no limits.

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