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Alice laid on her bed, arms sprawled out. She was supposed to be doing homework but who could accomplish such a thing when they were in such a state like she was?

No she was not dying.

Although her insides might have felt that way.

But she had no one to blame for that, except from herself.

And Daniel.

Definitely Daniel.

He was to be blamed for a lot of things.

Like her blushing face.

When they had arrived at the park to find only themselves, Daniel had laughed and had entreated her to a series of delights through the whole afternoon.

She had walked out of her house looking for a way to torture me.

She had come back home from having a date with a boy she would have mostly unlikely chosen.

Now Alice was not dumb. She knew that if all of have Daniel's gang had disappeared on the way to the park, including his right hand sidekick Jack, then they were trying to set her up with Daniel.

She just wondered how they got me involved. I would have never allowed it. Unless...

I was on the plan too!

Alice's phone rang. She glanced at her screen. It was me.

"Hey Rosy!" Alice said brightly. All past thoughts of contempt towards me had disappeared after that very date.

After all, if she had not gone out shop searching with me, she would have never landed with Daniel and his gang, right?

Please. In my opinion, he would have found another way to accidently on purpose find himself in the same area as her.

"So what do you need?" Alice asked. In the past, whenever I had called her, it was usually about boring stuff like homework or whether the test was actually that hard. So Alice was expecting for this coversation to end quickly.

"Can I take a bottle of wine from your house?"

Alright. That was not expected. This needed an explanation.

"Why?" Alice prodded.

"Well, I was going to take from my house but they're locked in the cupboard. Velma had the keys but she didn't trust me to not take more than one. So she kept interrogating me on why I wanted them. They are for a good purpose! But apparently being a teenager makes you very distrust ingredients person." As I rambled on, Alice rubbed her forehead. None of what was I saying was actually explaining anything. She was feeling the need to interrupt me.

"Wait. I mean why do you want to have a bottle of wine?"

"Velma wouldn't allow me to take it from her house. Well she was going to but only if she accompanied me to-"

Apparently the question wasn't clear enough to me.

"Get to the point, Romy."

I paused. "I want to give it to Mr Collins."

"Him?" Alice was surprised."Why him?" Unless...

"Don't act like that," I said, cutting into her thoughts. "I'm doing it for all of my teachers. As a thank you gift. And farewell."

"Farewell? Rosina, you're going to be able to see them again in September. It's not like you are leaving us again."



"Nothing. Nothing."

Alice was about to push me to say something that makes sense but then I spoke, teasing, "So how was your date with Daniel?"

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