Chapter 22

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Since my incident at the diner, and club I missed school over the overwhelming emotions that ran through me. I hadn't gone out, barely moved since my birthday. The boys seemed to be getting more well known, and I was the same girl that everyone kicked off to the side. Calum had come to visit me when I stayed at home, but it really just made everything even worse. I tried telling him it was nothing, but he took none of it. It was Friday and I had missed school again, my parents started getting worried whether if they should take me to the hospital. I told them to not stress it, even though I grew paranoid if I should go to the hospital. I grew much better, and was hoping to do something tonight. My phone buzzed and made me break my long, hard stare at the ceiling.


Hey Sarah!If you feel any better I'd like to take you out tonight like that promise I made ;)

Calum had promised to take me out, just is for my birthday. Not wanting to pass off the offer I replied with,


Sure! Thanks Cal I really need to get out of my house. What are we doing?

My phone soon buzzed seconds later, with the message that sent my heart racing.


Well, if you didn't mind a club? I mean we're both 18 now.

The thought of going to a club with Calum sent my heart out into flutters.
I quickly responded accepting. What did I do? There's no way in hell I would be able to a club with Calum, and not be sick to my stomach. So, I really need to pull myself together for tonight if I am going to club. What I wore, and felt really needed to change before 8:00 which was when he told me we were leaving. I called Rose, for immediate help on what to do. She told me to wear something somewhat revealing and not too conservative since it was suppose to be a night to remember as she said. I guess since it was my birthday, doing something rebellious and fun was what I needed. I of course needed to feel at tip top shape for the night. I knew I would probably end up drinking something, and the recent events definitely wouldn't agree with that. I told my parents that we were just going out to eat at a restaurant, then go to Roses house. They took it just as it was, not suspecting a thing. I rushed in front of my closet, scanning the many clothing items that hung in front of me. I pulled out a pair of dark wash shorts, and a black lace corset top. The outfit was daring, and outgoing but, out of my comfort zone. Which I guess is what Rose wanted me to wear. I put the outfit on, and it squeezed me at every curve on my body.

Calum and I were about to leave in 5 minutes, and a feeling stuck in the back of my throat and I started sweating. I breathed in and out, thinking happy thoughts to calm myself down. Telling myself everything was going to be alright. I put on my black converse and pulled a zip up hoodie over the uncomfortable top. I grabbed everything I needed for the night, and opened the doorknob slowly knowing who awaited for me outside the brown, creaky door. I walked down the stairs and tried to avoid the fact that Calum was staring me up and down.

"You ready?" I said chuckling then snapping him out of his stare.

"Uh- yeah. You look awesome Sarah. "

"Aw, well so do you. " He laughed then hooked his arm around my waist. I knew he was somewhat staring down my top, so I quickly zipped up my jacket.

The car ride to the club was mostly just chatter about the concert, and plans they had for the future. We arrived at the club, we got in with no suspicion. We walked in, music blaring itself out of the large speakers. Sweaty bodies dancing on each other, and the scent of alcohol filled the room. We made our way over to a table, where we sat down and I unzipped my hoodie and peeled it off as my body was already overheating. He did the same, showing the black v neck he wore under neath.

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