Chapter 9 : Bestfriends

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A/N: Major dork Mel Graham^

Hmm wondering how does Mel looks de-nerdified..?(:

This chapter is pretty long, so votes and comments please! I need at least 5 votes to publish the next chapter! get your friends to read and vote! <:

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Chapter 9 : Bestfriends

School, as usual passed in a flash. I made a mental note daily to avoid The Kings and have done a pretty good job so far. Haven't seen them in school for the rest of the week, since my last meeting with them few days back in the canteen where Melissa was giving me all the background info of The Kings. 

"BOO!!!" A sharp voice boomed from behind me as a pair of hands grabbed my shoulders. I jumped and dropped a couple of books that I was about to chuck in the locker, and twirled around in shock. Trying to curb my reflex.

"HAHAHA boo ya!" Melissa giggled and snorted. "Very funny Melissa." I gave her a bored look followed by a mock glare. "Aww come on Brea! I'm sorry! Wasn't expecting you to get such a bad shock." She said making puppy eyes and pouting at me. What's with people pranking me then saying sorry, its like slapping someone and saying sorry, damage done, apology..well, save it.

Gosh, Elliot and Melissa! I've gotta get her back. This little imp. But her attempt to apologize was so hilarious, I just couldn't stay mad! I rolled my eyes saying, "Apology accepted puppy eyes!", "Whoo hoo! First time that puppy eyes thing worked!" she yelled, throwing her arms into the air and did a little funny dance. I started laughing at that, haha, I am beginning to like this girl more and more. 

"My mom's here to pick us up, lets's go." I said, shutting my locker and nudging her towards the exit. Melissa waved wildly to mom who was in the car, I've really got to hand it to her. "Hi Mrs Kendra! I am Melissa, Brea's friend!" Melissa grinned as she hopped into the back seat.

"Miss, Elrica Kendra, darling. Just call me Rica. Nice to meet you Melissa!" mom smiled back from the front mirror. "Oh.  Sorry, Rica." she replied with a bewildered look upon her face. I am glad she didn't ask though. I used to be Brea Keith, till dad passed on. Mum made me follow her surname to avoid, "unnecessary trouble" or so she says, I'm fine with it either way.

Mom chatted with Melissa throughout the journey home, asking her about her family and if she's coping well in school, blah blah, typical questions from mothers. I ended up day dreaming while they chatted, but I managed to pick out a line or two. She has two younger siblings, a boy and a girl and her parents are business people, busy people, they only get to see each other in the morning.

"Honey, why don't you show Melissa around the house while I prepare drinks and snacks for you guys?" Mom told me as we stepped in the house. "Yeah sure, thanks mom." I nodded. "Thanks Rica!" Melissa smiled. "You're welcome girls." Mom winked in response.

"Fancy house, its big!" she grinned as she looked around. "Gee thanks, this is the living room and that is our guest room." I said pointing respectively as she nodded in response. "Come, lets head upstairs." I said as I led her up. "This is the entertainment room, my room, spa room, my mom's room." I pointed from the left to right. "Wow?!" she exclaimed. I led her into the entertainment room and stood by the door while she moved around. "Ohmygosh Brea! Your house has a pool table, arcade machines, a huge screen and a music studio?!" She exclaimed and gaped around.

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