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Nickname: it depends on the person really, mostly "Blake" (fun fact, I actually hate being called this by anyone but kylieSx) but my family calls me bug (IVE ALWAYS BEEN SMALL OKAY). IsabellaKathleen4 calls me red. I think that's it tho.

Eye color: brownish red. No I'm not joking. There's actually a red tint to my plain old brown eyes.

Hair color: I don't have one. Sometimes it's strawberry red or a carmelish color, just anything close two those to and that's my hair

Fun fact:(I'm assuming this is supposed to be about myself and not a random fun fact that I tend to just blurt out at random times) I love the rain, I love feeling it on my face, I love looking out the window when it rains, I love feeling feeling of wind going through my hair. (I live in Oklahoma so this is relevant)

Favorite color: I have several. Probably black, red, and gold

Favorite place: anywhere high. Doesn't matter where as long as it's high up

Favorite celebrity: does Dan Howell count??

Favorite animal: all of them

Favorite song: criminal or lighthouse

Favorite book: let me get this straight, you're asking a person who just reads. What their favorite book is? Are you crazy??

Tagged by kylieSx

Dankri_Vantass(because SOMEONE won't do it)

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