Chapter 8

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-Tord POV-

I ran the blade softly against my scarred wrist and forearm before


Blood poured out of my arm as I sobbed. I had felt with my depression for so long and had kept it bottled up... I don't see why I don't just kill myself,.. that's what the world wants anyway... I position my knife at my stomach when my door flies open to see a shocked, worried, tearyeyed Tom... I didn't know I could reduce him down to this state... I'm a horrible person...

-Tom POV-

I saw a depressed looking Tord with scars all down his arm and a knife at his stomach ready to stab... my Norski... I quickly take the blade from his hands and hug him. I feel his hot tears on my back and he jumps into my arms sobbing. "WHY ARE YOU SO NICE TO ME??!!" He sobs.



"Because you deserve it" i said with a soft, yet firm tone... I hated seeing him like this... "I'm so scared Tom! Ashley is going to take you away from me! And I can't l-live with out you Thomas!!" He chocked out... I was shocked that he said that... I carried him to the bathroom and cleaned up all his cuts... " i wish I had been a little stronger...
I wish I'd stayed around a little longer...
I wish that I was good!
I wish I understood...
I wish we'd been here before they convinced you life is war!!" I sang to Tord. He looked at me and said "I wish you'd come with me" he sang the next line... I didn't know he liked Heathers!
"I wish I had more bandages..." I said... I looked at Tord's tear soaked face and kissed him.... I heard pounding on the door again... I walked to the door and opened it. A short female with long brown hair, brown eyes and a fork and spoon stood before me and I, Conveniently, had a harpoon on me because she lunged at me growling and hissing. "YOU WILL NOT TAKE TORD AWAY FROM ME" she screamed. Her voice was like a deafening silence mixed with a soundless roar. I stabbed her through the stomach with my harpoon... I laid there with a dead girl on the floor... OMG WHAT THE FUCK HAVE I DONE!? I quickly burn the body and wash the ashes down the drain. I didn't get any blood on my hoodie but I did have to mop the floors... I've killed someone before but damn... I'm going to be ok... I'm going to be ok..... I'm gonna tell Tord.... "Hey TORD!!!" I said "COME HERE!!" I yelled. I saw the cherry walk towards me. "Is everything ok?" He asked. "Well... about Ashley..." Tord's eyes widened. "I kinda killed her..." he nodded and didn't say anything. I looked at him and said "I was scared and I panicked.... I'm so sorry Tord..." I said. He looked at me and said "No no.... it's ok" he said "I will always forgive you"

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