Chapter 3

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Meryl and Don had been living together in his apartment for the past few weeks, and everyday they grew closer. Meryl felt a connection, a familiarity, a safety with Don, but she tried to tell herself it was just friendship. He held her when she cried. He listened to her when she would yell about the injustice of life. He was the only person in her life who was going through all the stages of grief without her. Her parents and friends were wonderful, and had been there with her every step of the way, but there was just something different about Don. She could be completely herself with him and felt a freedom with that. She knew she was falling for him, but pushed those feelings back, and tried to bury them as deep as possible.

There was no doubt in Don's mind he was falling in love with her, then he would kick himself. She didn't need a boyfriend or someone trying it on with her, she needed a friend, and Don vowed he would be the best friend possible to her. He was glad he was there when she most needed someone. Every night he laid in bed thinking about her. Thinking about how right it would be to hold her in his arms. He would NEVER push her into something she wasn't ready for. He just hoped that someday they would live out the life that played out in his dreams. He would be patient and be a friend for her as long as she needed him.


Don came home from the doctor one day to a smiling Meryl.

"How did it go?" She asked putting down her book.

"Great, actually. The cast is off. I still have some rehab but hopefully I can get back to life as normal." He smiled.

"Oh Don, that is wonderful news." She smiled.

"It has alot to do with you. Thank you Meryl, for everything you have done for me. I don't know how I would have managed these last weeks without you." He said sitting next to her on the couch. Don took in her beauty and how excited she was that he was healing, he decided to go out on a limb and ask her something he had wanted to ask her since the first night he met her.

"We help each other. I honestly don't know what I would have done without you either." She smiled and then kicking herself for saying that when she heard how it sounded.

Don took a breath, he couldn't believe how nervous he was. "Well, how would you like to go to dinner and drinks at this new quiet bar I just read about?" He asked.

Meryl wanted to, she loved spending time with Don more than anything, and that scared her. "I would love that Don as long as it is just dinner and drinks between friends. I am just not ready for anything else, yet." She said hoping she didn't hurt his feelings.

Don's heart sank a little, but of course he understood, and she said YES. "Of course." He smiled. "Meryl, I hope you don't feel like I have pushed you into anything." He didn't want to put that kind of pressure on her.

"No, no, no, of course not Don. You are probably my closest friend right now and I just want to be honest." She smiled.

"You are mine." He smiled back. "Okay, well, let's go get ready and celebrate our friendship." He said as he and Meryl went to go get ready for their friendly dinner.


It was a beautiful July night and they decided to walk. They were both nervous even though it was just 2 "friends" going to dinner. Meryl changed into an emerald green cotton sun dress that she wore with sandals; and Don wore black pants with a blue polo. Both Meryl and Don were finding it hard to take their eyes off the other. They both reminded themselves they were friends. The whole walk to the restaurant Meryl kept thinking that it felt so right, but the more she had these feelings the more guilty she felt. She couldn't wait to get to the restaurant so she could numb the guilt with alcohol. Don was nervous because he knew he was falling in love with her, but tried to hide his feelings for both of their sakes.

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