Chapter 4

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Harry hasn't been by the diner in almost a week. He hasn't even been by my house, which is super odd, considering I see him almost everyday.

Maybe he caught on and doesn't want to give you the wrong impression.

The thought makes my stomach churn. The possibility that my best friend for years could just stop talking to me over that reason destroys me inside.


The diner isn't too busy today, thank God. A bit of a break is always nice but feels weird today for some reason.

Mr. Walters decided to come for lunch today instead of breakfast. As I recall him saying "An old chap like me needs to change his routine every once in while." Change is good until you find yourself out of your comfort zone.

"Miss Claire, I don't mean to be a bother but can you hand me a copy of today's paper? I meant to grab it this morning but it slipped my mind." The old man removes me from my thoughts.

"You're never a bother, sir." I smile and grab a paper from the shelf behind the bar.

As I turn to give him the paper, the big black lettering on the front catches my eye.


Who would do such a thing?

"Oh my God! That's horrible" I say just loud enough that Mr. Walters heard me.

"What is, dear?"

"The headline." I point to the large writing at the top. He turns the paper around to read it.

His usual light expression drops and his face turns a sick pale shade.

"Pearl Harbor?" He almost whispers as he looks up from the paper. "William is stationed there." He rises up from his seat as fast as a man his age could. "I have to go. I had no knowledge of this even happening. I'm sorry. Just cancel my order." He quickly exits the diner leaving the news paper on the bar.

I pick up the newspaper and read some of the article.

President Roosevelt has declared war against Japan. On December 7, 1941 Pearl Harbor was bombed killing thousands of soldiers and civilians. Volunteers from the draft will be needed to-

"Claire, I have to talk to you."

My eyes shoot up from the paper to see Harry on the other side of the bar. His face sweaty, as if he'd just ran a marathon.

"Harry, where have you been?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "That's not important at the moment. We-" he pauses, running a sweaty hand through his matted, curly hair before looking me dead in the eye. "I  need to talk with you... as soon as possible. Please." His expression urgent.

I turn to Marco, who is at his usual spot near the window.  "We're not busy today, kid. Dot will take over your shift." Assuming that he heard our conversation.

"Thank you." I tell him as I hang my apron up and clock out.

So... this book is starting to get interesting. Wonder what Harry has to tell Claire. Hope you all are enjoying this so far! Love you all!!
~Victoria xx

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