Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, 2/10/14 - 2/13/14

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Today I made pancakes and my little brother Timmy LOVES when I make pancakes, he says my pancakes are the best. We went to school, had a few laughs, then started talking about what we don't like about each other, (what we need to change) and what we do like about each other, (this was Brother Bills idea) then in computer class we had to type this: "I can push the number 1 with my left pinky. I can push the number 0 with my right pinky. Wednesday we will learn the numbers two and nine." Our computer teacher, Brother Logan, is kinda weird. After computer class, it was 3:00 so school was over, so, Olivia, Zabrina and I switched keyboards and started typing on each other's computer, I wrote to Zabrina, "isn't Nathaniel cute?" And she screamed, "NOOO" I laughed my head off. Then Zabrina had to leave, and it was just Olivia and I. Olivia wrote to me, "truth or dare" I don't usually pick dare so I wrote back "dare." Then she dared me to lick a was a dare so I did it, then I asked her truth or dare, she chose truth, so I was gonna ask her who her best friend was but, Nathaniel came in and said it was time to clean up. So we left and got our backpacks ready to go home, and my dad came in. He should've been at work. "Aren't you supposed to be at work?" I asked him, and he said that he got off early which surprised me cause he usually gets off late. We got in the car and dad drove out of the driveway and turned left. Our house was on the right, so I knew he was going to walmart. While at Walmart, we picked up lunch for school, and supper for tonight. Then we went home and I walked in my room only to be met by none other than Naomi and her friend, Nick. "You have a floor!" Naomi exclaimed. I had just cleaned my room last night. You couldn't see my floor before I cleaned. We watched a new episode of TMNT then hung out in my room where I found out that Nick and her were my head I was thinking, first Kelly, then Allen, then Chris, now Nick? MAKE UP YOUR MIND! Oh and also Raph...(from TMNT) then she and Nick had to leave. I went on the computer for awhile when I realized, I haven't seen Frozen yet. So I spent awhile looking for an actual video for it, and finally found one and watched it. IT WAS AMAZING! Then I went to my room and went into my own little world (for the millionth time). Then my older brother, Anthony, came home from work and asked me when Nick left and started talking about Nick and everything. Apparently, Tony and Nick were friends in high school. (Tony is Anthony's nickname) then I started thinking about how sorry I feel for Zabrina, both her parents are gone, she is adopted. It must be hard. I've always lived with both my parents and always complain about little things. I should be grateful The Lord has blessed me. I was also thinking about my older brother Kenny (Kenneth) and his wife Stacey. I'm now an aunt, (Stacey already had a kid, he is four years old and his name is Gavin) and I can't wait to see them again! Tuesday came and woke up to find we were almost out of milk for cereal, so I quickly got the rest of the milk for mine. (Hehe, I'm evil) got in the shower then went to school. At school, I got a bad grade on a quiz, and got a talk from Brother Bill. It was long. How long? Let's say I only got to watch two of my four classes today. then after lunch we watched on youtube a few of the rides in six flags. We are going there at the end of summer! I can't wait! Then when I got home I went in my room to work on my homework and grabbed my dad's iPad mini to listen to the song, "Let It Go" from Frozen. I wanted to watch it over and over again so I can know all the words to it. And now I do. I did my homework and my studying. I can't wait until 7:00! Brother Bill is taking me bowling with him! Yay! when it was around 6:15 dad came in my room and told me I was late for girl scouts. I frowned, girl scouts starts at 6:00 and ends at 8:00. I wanted to go bowling. I told him that i already made plans with Brother Bill and he said he would tell Gramma Marci (my troop leader, i don't know why everyone calls her gramma, she isnt our grandma, but we do it anyway). well, at bowling we got our shoes and went down to the bowling part. (our bowling center is old and small. we live in a very tiny town.) it was me, Olivia, Nathaniel, Timmy, and Kelsea, (a girl from the teen group, my brother Timmy likes her, and she likes him, but they said they will wait until college to date). on our first game, (these are just estimates, i cant remember the exact number) Olivia got first place with 120? Nathaniel second with 96? me third with 53! (i knew my number, and its the highest score in bowling ive ever got!) Timmy fourth with 43? and Kelsea last with 28? then on our second game, when it was my turn, i grabbed my ball, (it was pink ^_^), put my hand back, brought it forward and found it wasn't in my hand... it was on the floor behind me...i had bowled backwards. (like on the wii, when you let go of the 'B' button when your hand is back) i cant remember our scores for the second game, but i know Olivia won again, and Nathaniel was second. then while we were waiting for the adults to finish their game, Olivia, Kelsea and i went to the girls restroom. (we hang around in the weirdest places) we started taking videos of us doing weird things, and Kelsea did a weird dance, then we hung out with the guys. It was soo funny, Timmy called Olivia a baby, (as in a cry baby, not the other kind) and when Kelsea heard that, she got mad and said, "I thought you loved me!" And ran to the bathroom, us girls ran after her, (she said it in a joking way) then we all came out laughing at Timmy. Then I told Kelsea that Timmy called Olivia hott yesterday and she started kicking him and he was whimpering the whole time! It was so funny. The adults finished and we went home. The next day, Wednesday, I woke up got my things ready, studied for awhile, then got hungry so I started making a couple pancakes for me, when Timmy came in and wanted some, so I made some for him, being the good sister I am. We went to school where nothing happened, we came back and I got on the computer. Timmy did go off on Zabrina today though. (As in he got mad and yelled at her). He has been getting more angry. He was finally calming down from his big anger issues for a few months but now, he is back at it, I don't know what happened. Then also, apparently I did something wrong while making tea and he yelled at me and hit me on the back! It doesnt hurt anymore, like it used to but, he hasn't done that in awhile! I'm worried. What happened to make him burst? Then dad came home and took the computer away. I'm going to Brother Bills house after church today! It's gonna be so fun! I'll tell all about it in my next entry.

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