Monday, Tuesday, 2/24 - 2/25

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so, its Monday, nothing much happened. I had to stay after school for a little bit to catch up on Algebra 2. when I came home, Naomi was there, on Minecraft, so I sat next to her and watched her. a few minutes later, I got bored and started poking her sides and she was jumping everytime. the next time she grabbed my finger and I squealed. the next thing I know, im giving her a headlock and she cant get out of it. that's never know what im capable of when im dying of boredom. well, nothing else happened after that, she went home and I went to bed. Tuesday came and Timmy and I had a dentist appointment. I was happy, NO SCHOOL! (for a few hours.) Timmy was scared cause he had to get a tooth pulled. I just had to have mine we got to the dentist office (which was about 30 minutes from our town) and when it was my turn, I got this lecture about how I should be brushing my teeth everyday and how I had a cavity and blah, blah, blah, wait, cavity?! no! there gonna have to fill it! thankfully not today. I don't know why I was scared. ive done it before. (yea, im not normal, I have about three toothbrushes but I keep forgetting to brush. I know, im a sicko. I get cavities a lot) anyway, Timmy had to stay home cause his tooth hurt, (I mean his non-existing tooth) and I had to go to school. (there is gonna be a video on the side of this book and you should watch is funny....) so I did and mom picked me up afterwards and we went to walmart and stayed there for three hours! I had $40 with me from my dad. (he got taxes so Timmy and I got some of it) yay! this might sound weird for people who have allowances but, we don't get money we get REALLY excited when we do, (the most money ive ever had was $80.) well, I started looking around walmart for some stuff I might want, and here is what I got: a pink watch, pink and black boots, orange gum, a cheetah print hat, earphones with Mikeys face on them, a TMNT shirt, a TMNT pencil case, a TMNT eraser, 3 TMNT pens, 2 TMNT toothbrushes (one for me, the other for Naomi, I still have to get it to her though.) and glow in the dark ceiling stars. I wondered around walmart cause my mom went to pick up dad from work and since he worked 30 minutes away, I was wondering around for an hour. my older brother Anthony worked at walmart and occasionally I bumped into him. one time he turned the corner, saw me, backed up, and went into the corner he came out of, I was like, my brother is so weird. mom came back with dad and we checked out. it all came to about $ dad payed the rest, thanks dad! anyway, I got home and started cleaning the table off when Naomi called telling me that a game was at the high school. I almost said I couldn't go until I heard it was dress up night and she was dressed up as Raph. I widened my eyes and ask mom If I could go, mom and dad talked for awhile before letting me go. so I got my Mikey costume that I made out of cardboard, (well, the shell was made out of cardboard, I had the actual mask and nunchucks) put on a green shirt abd blue jean pants, (cause I don't have any green ones...) and walked to the high school, (without my coat...bad idea) it was freezing! well, I got home and went to sleep.

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