Saturday, Sunday, 2/22/14 - 2/23/14

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in the morning, we had donuts, went on the computer, and played MineCraft. bad idea Cindy. bad idea. we played on her account and I built a house next to hers, I went in and found a bunch of cows, bats, chickens, horses, and A MILLION CATS!!! I just stare at the screen and say, "wha- how," *looks at Naomi* "what did you do?!" she just laughs her head off. for the next few minutes we try to kill the animals in my house, (I know, we are cruel...) we kept some of the cats though. (and when I say some, I mean most...almost all) then we logged off and my dad took us to Chinese! ^_^, when we got home, Naomi asked her dad if she could stay the night again and he said yes! :D. so, we get on mincraft again and we go to my account this time and we made an underwater house, (which took FOREVER!) I put my cats in there, (cause we also spawned a lot of cats there also), and then Naomi started spawning more...that is when I went to bed. now it is sunday and we played on minecraft, (again!) until church, (I made her wear a skirt, she hates them) we got home and guess what we did? one word. minecraft. (she loves that game) we played for a bit, (I almost blew up her house with TNT) and we were gonna go to Shaqwaua's house but Naomi had to leave. :( anyway, I went to Shaqwaua's house and we went to the Middle school and played in the creek for awhile and then I went home. then we went to church again and I had Nursery, (I get to watch little kids, yay!) we had 9 kids in there...Connor (boy 4 yrs), Hannah, (girl 3 yrs), Heaven (girl 2 yrs), Brayden (boy 2 yrs), Justus (boy 2 yrs), Glenn (boy 1 yr), Cash (boy 1 yr), Jerimiah (boy 1 yr), Destiny (girl 5 months). there are supposed to be only 2 workers in the nursery, there were 5. Me, Olivia, Ms. Linda, Mrs. Sarah, and Mrs. Christa. Brayden was crying the entire time, Cash was asleep for most of it, Glenn wanted to be picked up, then put back down all the time, Justus was running around, Hannah and Heaven wanted to help us with holding the babies, and Jerimiah was practically eating my shoulder, (I have slobber all over my shirt...). Destiny? she was smiling the whole time...Mrs. Christa got out the laptop and put Veggietales on for them and most of them kept quiet. then  Brother Bill came in and said that Jessica, (another teen from church) was getting baptized so Olivia and I escaped and watched it. after that we went home and I got to studying for my MANY quizzes and tests...(cause I was sick for three days). Until my next entry, bye!

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