Chapter 1 - A Haunted Mansion

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Nancy Drew walked through the front door of her house after taking her dog, Togo, for a walk right when her cell phone rang. The call was from her good friend Helen Archer (formally Helen Corning). Nancy answered it.

"Hi Helen, how are you and Jim?" Nancy asked.

"Hi Nancy, me and Jim are both fine," Helen said. "How are you?"

"I'm fine. So why exactly did you call? Is something wrong?"

"I hope not."

"What do you mean?"

There was a pause before Helen continued. "I got a case for you, Nancy."

Nancy was then filled with excitement. It's been two weeks since she had a mystery to solve and she was wondering when another one would come her way, and it looked like her wish has been granted.

"My old neighbor, Mrs. Ostrum, knew I was friends with you and that you're a detective so she asked me to call you and ask you to take on this mystery." Helen explained.

"What kind of mystery?" Nancy asked.

"A haunting," said Helen. "Mrs. Ostrum moved into a beautiful Victorian mansion in Mapleton after her husband died and is trying to turn it into a hotel. People up there have told her repeatedly that it's haunted. At first she didn't believe it but now she claims that a lot of strange things have been happening."

Nancy was intrigued. "What kind of strange things?"

"Well, one time she said she saw a man's shadow in the hallway, and another time when she was in the basement she said she saw the eight ball on the pool table roll into one of the pockets." Helen said.

After talking a few more minutes, Nancy agreed to take on Mrs. Ostrum's case. Later that night at dinner, Nancy told her father, Carson Drew, and their housekeeper, Hannah Gruen about the mystery. Mr. Drew said she can go. The next morning she called Bess and George and asked them if they'd like to come along, they said yes.

"This is should be fun." George said and Nancy nodded. They were already on their way to Mapleton in Nancy's car.

"I don't get you two. What is so fun about a haunted mansion filled with ghosts?" Bess asked.

"Bess, how many times do I have to tell you? There's no such thing as ghosts!" George said maybe a little louder than she had intended, but Bess didn't seem to mind very much. "Besides," George continued. "To Nancy, solving a mystery is always fun."

"Isn't Ned home from college?" Bess asked smiling at Nancy.

"Yes, he is." Nancy told with a smile on her face too. She couldn't wait to see her boyfriend, Ned Nickerson again. She hadn't seen him in a week and missed him like crazy.

Within an hour or two, the three girls made it to Mrs. Ostrum's mansion. It was old and run down and in massive need of repairs. The lawn was over flown with weeds and it looked like no one has lived here for years. Nancy walked up the steps of the front porch followed by her two friends and knocked on the door.

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