Chapter 3 - It's a Date

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A/N: Hi everyone! Here's the next chapter! I'm so so sorry it took me so long to update. Enjoy!

The next morning Nancy, Bess, and George meet Mrs. Ostrum for breakfast.  Mrs. Ostrum said told the girls that some of valuables of hers were missing when she woke up. Nancy told them about what she heard in the attic, and asked Mrs. Ostrum if she could check out the attic for clues.

“Just do whatever you can to stop it.” Mrs. Ostrum said.

After breakfast Bess and George followed Nancy up the stairs toward the attic.  When they got there George flipped the light switch on.  The light flickered then went out.

“Seriously?” Bess said exasperated.

“Don’t worry, I got a flash light.” Nancy said pulling a flashlight from her back pocket.

The attic was littered with boxes, old trunks, and cob webs. Nancy kept an eye out for anything out of the ordinary. After searching the attic for two minutes, Bess gave up.

“Nancy, I don’t think we’ll find anything. Maybe the noises you heard were just your imagination.” Bess said.

“It’s never just my imagination, Bess.” Nancy said,

George was quite for most of their search. She was knocking on the walls in one corner of the room. Nancy did the same. Nancy and George kept knocking on the walls of the attic until the knocking sound on one of the walls sounded different. Nancy began pushing against the wall trying to get it to move, then her cell phone began to ring causing the three girls jump. Nancy went downstairs to answer the phone.

“Hello, Ned.” said Nancy with a smile forming on her face.

“Hey, Nance. Hannah said you solving a mystery in Mapleton. What’s the case?” Ned asked.

“This woman, Mrs. Ostrum is an old neighbor of my friend Helen. People seem to think her house is haunted. And apparently some of her valuables are missing.” Nancy explained.

“How are they missing? Do you think she could’ve just replaced them?”

“Maybe, but if not then that could explain why I heard something behind the attic walls last night. It sounded like someone was on the other side of the wall.”

“Well. Keep me updated on what’s going on up there. And maybe we can finally go on our date.” Ned said.

“Sounds great. I’ll let you know when I have time.”

“It’s a date. Bye, Nancy.”

 “Bye, Ned.” Then Nancy hung up.

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