Baby Don't Cry ♪ ♥ (An EXO Romance Fanfiction)

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This is a story about two girls who had a big twist of fate. It's like destiny itself wanted for it to happen.

A twist where regrets, pain, and hatred are waiting for you to find them.

A twist where they finally get to make their idols, who happened to be the infamous EXO, fall inlove with them ridiculously.



There were two girls that are rich nerds who are supposed to be best friends and never let go with each other. Their names are Jang Mye Shin and Kang Jae Chii.

They are always bullied by everyone that they pass by in their school, And because they are nerds, they literally always got the highest score. Both of them are in the top one because they have the same scores. Everyone knew that It was impossible to happen, but It seems like both of them always gets the same scores.

They are unique with their decisions and never fail to entertain each other, and they like kpop like every girls in their class, well, school, Especially EXO.

Everytime they see EXO's pictures or anything, they will fangirl like any other fans. They really hope that they could have a chance to meet EXO in personal but they can't. Yup, they have almost all the riches that anyone could wish for, but It's nearly impossble for them.

Firstly, because of their studies. They cannot go anywhere they like because they mantain their grades and everything. That's the only thing they can be proud of, well, Their appearances are great and all, but they kept it hidden.

Second, their parents, especially Jae. Her father is so strict that nobody can visit their house except for Her only friend, Mye. While on the other hand, Mye wasn't allowed because She have duties, many of them.

And mostly because of EXO's popularity, they thought that It's impossible for EXO to notice them from all their millions of fans from all the countries.

Mye Shin and Jae Chii always talk about Kpop and EXO. But one day they will win a free SVIP ticket from SMEnt for EXO's concert and a free backstage pass, and luckily They accepted it. But what do you think will happen?

You will know the answers to your questions when you continue reading the chapters :))

Appearance doesn't matter right! so they have a chance!


Jang Mye Shin- A Shy-type Nerd who likes to help everyone around her. She always tie her hair and wears big nerdy glasses. She likes sweets and is kind even though she always gets bullied by everyone. She loves to listen to music and They always fangirl whenever they saw exo's posters, songs, videos etc. when they are alone. She is very talented. She knows how to rap, sing, dance, and act.

Kang Jae Chii- An outgoing-type nerd who is always there to make everyone happy and loves to help. She sometimes tie a little hair in the side and she always wears big nerdy glasses too, She likes sweets also, as much as Mye Shin and always get bullied for Her weak physical appearance. She is very talented as well. She knows how to rap a little, sing, dance, and act.

( I will just show a little information about Exo members, Because I really don't want to be a spoiler.)

Xiumin- A kind hyung that you can always count on, a jolly and a soft-hearted person. Always eats too many food.

Luhan- Always there to make you smile whenever you're sad. Always uses his cuteness to defeat his enemies, scared of fast-moving balls. Says that He's a manly man, but acts like a 13 year-old teenage highscool girl.

Kris- The giant Leader of EXO-M who is kind but looks mean on the outside. Also called as the 'Cold City guy'. He always helps everyone when they needed help.

Chen- The troll of the group. He always makes silly puns and jokes. He always bully or Tease everyone as a hobby of His. Nobody escapes the TROLL! But despite His hobbies, He's kind-hearted and knows When to stop when the situation is bad. Only when the situation is bad.

Lay- The unicorn! He always bring a medical kit with him. He never let his friends get in danger so he always give warnings and cautions to avoid injuries or anything. He is kind, too kind. But sometimes, He can be a troll like Chen.

Tao- The grumpy-looking giant but a really soft-hearted person. He is afraid of ghosts, the dark, and anything scary, And Expert in Wushu. But you can rely on Him, in shopping.

Suho- The kind leader of EXO-K who is scared of being forgotten. Always clings to Lay, But he is manly when it comes to leadership. Many said that He always look like He's going to cry anytime soon.

Baekhyun- The eyeliner master! He never leave their apartment without his precious eyeliner, or else he won't last a day without it. He doesn't want others to touch any of His things, especially His precious eyeliner.

Chanyeol- One of the giants too. He never let a day pass without showing his wonderful and creepy derp smile. He's the lover-boy SLASH Flirt in the group. But He's very nice and kind.

Kyungsoo (D.O)- Always on his derp pose "O__O" And sometimes. He even forgets to blink but thanks to Suho who always reminds Kyungsoo to blink. He's the quiet member in the group. Doesn't talk much, but when He do, listen intensively.

Kai- The shy-boy/face of the group of the group. He's sometimes outgoing and noisy with the fans, but when he's with his groupmates, he becomes shy and derp too? Naah.

Sehun- The youngest of them all, but he's the most quiet in the group, nobody beats Sehun. Always in his derp pose "._." The poker face. He doesn't want to talk to others. He often smiles if He is ordered to.


So, I don't have much to say I'm Done with the introductions!

I hope you will all like it! Just enjoy reading it! XD Kamsahamnida!

This is dedicated to everyone. Oh and By the way, VALENTINES IS NEAAAAAARRR!!! Who will be your valentine? :P hahaha Just curious XD

I really really really hope you will like it >< hahaha i'm just being crazy so pardon me :D

Sorry for any mispelled words and wrong grammar XD

[EDITED. 02/28/15]


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