Chapter Three

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Sam knew then that there must be some reason for Al's hasty departure. Maybe he was just embarrassed to see his previous self... but Sam knew that could not be it. His emotions must have shown on his face, because the Al in front of him was staring at him suspiciously. Sam quickly started coughing to cover up his strange reaction.

"What?" Albert asked.

Sam cleared his throat. "Ahem."

"What?" Albert asked again, more intently.



"Sorry. Have a bit of a cold." This being the Arctic and all.

Albert didn't seem fully convinced, but he accepted Sam's explanation for the time being.

"Well, I have to go get firewood." He said. "Back soon."

Pulling his hood back up over his head, Albert headed back out into the snow. Moments later the door to the holographic imaging chamber opened, and Al stepped through into the cave.

"Sam." He said.

"Hi Al." Sam's mind was reeling. "What. Was. That."

"Ahem. What was what?" Al was acting shifty, which Sam knew meant that he would have to wrestle the truth out of him if he wanted to get some answers.

"You never told me."

"Told you what?"

"Al." It was Sam's turn to give Al a look. "You met Shandy Woodshed in a cave?"

Al hesitated. "What's the matter with a cave."

Sam considered it. "Kind of an odd meeting place..." He bristled in annoyance. "You're trying to change the subject! You met Shandy Woodshed in a cave."

"Yes." Al sighed. "I was here on the Starbright project. YOU sent me, actually, for some samples."

"Samples?" Sam certainly did not remember that.

"Of rock and stuff. Not important."

"Ah. If it's not important, then how come I sent you?"

Al was now visibly uncomfortable.

"WHAT I WAS HERE FOR IS NOT IMPORTANT" Al practically yelled. Then he realized what he had said and cleared his throat in embarrassment. "Sam, let's not go there."

"Hm." Sam grumbled.

"Sorry." Al awkwardly apologized. "Your Swiss cheese brain doesn't remember?"


"Hmm." Al considered this. "Good, I guess."

Good? Good that he couldn't remember his life before this endless leaping? But he knew that Al felt bad enough, so he tried a joke.

"I liked my mozzarella cheese brain better."

"Really?" Al asked sarcastically. Sam bristled.

"Yeah, wouldn't you if you had an eidetic memory and then BAM! Suddenly you can't remember anything except your first name and a phone number?"

Al looked at the ground. "Yeah I know how it feels Sam..." Then, realizing what he had said, Al quickly added "...I mean, never mind. I couldn't... no way."

There had been one leap where Al had switched places with Sam, losing his own memories and relying solely on Sam for guidance. Sam had lost these memories when they resumed their normal roles, and unfortunately project rules stated that anything Sam didn't know about himself already, Al could not tell him. Both hated this rule, and Al was known to 'let things slip' on occasion, but this was one thing he couldn't share with his best friend.

Sam was confused. "How would you know how that feels Al?"

"Never mind."

"Never mind what?"

"Just never mind." Reading his handheld device, Al said "I just can't believe you're here to..." and then seemed to catch himself again. "Never mind."

"To what?"

"To... stop me from making a big mistake."

"Big mistake." Sam repeated.

"Ummmm. Going fishing. Yes, fishing." Al wouldn't meet his eyes.

"And what?" Sam responded sarcastically. "Getting mauled by a polar bear?"

"No..." Al whispered.

Sam decided to try using guilt. "Al, if you don't tell me I'll never make it back to our own time."

Al moved his arm so that his device was behind his back.

"You're hiding the handlink! You show me that thing right now, Al."

"No. I- I- I- I can't."

"Why not?"

Al pulled himself together and pressed some buttons on the handlink before smacking it again. The response it gave seemed to satisfy him.

"Fine." He said to Sam. "Look. See? There's a 17.6% chance you're here to stop me from going fishing."

"Ok." It was plausible, Sam supposed. "But what happens when you go fishing?"

Sam distinctly heard Al breathe the words "He bought it" before saying normally "Ummm... I caught a fish that gave us a stomach-ache. I mean me and my partner by us. The guy you sent with me." He cleared his throat awkwardly again. Sam was no longer buying this.

"And who bought what exactly?"

"Nothing. Nothing."

Sam's voice rose. "So why aren't you telling me if it's nothing and it doesn't matter? I mean if it doesn't matter how's it gonna change my actions?"

"Fine. I will tell you everything." Sam calmed down a bit, but then Al said. "Later."

Sam opened his mouth to retaliate but Al had already left via the holographic door. At that moment the other Al entered the cave, sans firewood. Sam groaned.

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