Chapter Nine

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Samuel ran to help Sam with Albert, and together the two of them were able to hold him up.

"Al! Al are you ok?" Samuel frowned at Sam for trying to talk to an unconscious person.

"I've lost a lot of blood." Al told Sam, smacking the handlink. "But I'll be fine. You have a dog sled and if you hurry you can get me to an arctic hospital where they can fly me to a better hospital to get some blood."

"Ok." Sam responded. Albert opened his eyes, and weakly said he could walk, but Sam knew otherwise. He told Samuel to help him carry Albert to the camp.

"I must be going to my hut." The Eskimo told them. "Goodbye, friends, and good luck."

"Bye." Sam and Samuel told the Eskimo.

"Hurry!" Al exclaimed.

"Ok! Ok!" Sam said, earning him another look from Samuel. "We're hurrying!" The two of them hurried to Sam's camp.

When they rounded the corner and the camp was finally visible, Sam nearly dropped Albert in surprise. The camp was literally full of dogs. A quick count told Sam that there were ten of them scattered around the area.

"Woof!" The dogs said.

"Woof!" Other dogs said.

"Woof!" Called out even more dogs from inside one of the tents. Sam hadn't even noticed those ones... The count was now up to fourteen assorted huskies.

"Hurry! Hitch up the dogs to the sled!" Al called, jolting Sam out of his thoughts.

"Woof!" The dogs said to Al.

"Help me out here and it'll go by faster!" Sam answered.

"Alright, alright, geez." Albert said. He and Samuel moved gingerly to a couple of chairs where they could harness the dogs that Sam was rounding up.

"Yeah, how." Al asked.

"How?" Sam looked at Al.

"Yeah." Al waved a hand through Sam's face. "How? Hologram?" He reminded him.

Sam gritted his teeth. "Not you Al! The other you and the other me!"

"What was that?" Samuel asked.

"Uuuuuuh..." Albert looked at Sam questioningly.

"About other you's and other me's?" Samuel continued. Albert just looked confused.

"Uuuuuuuummmmm..." Sam's mind raced.

"Yeah Sam, what were you saying?" Al said with a smirk. Sam glared at him.

"Just thinking up - um - a story line."

"For what?" Al and Albert asked. Both looked genuinely curious.

"For, um, for I'm thinking of writing a book. I don't know should I?"

"About your adventures?" Albert asked him. "Great idea!"

"Yeah that would be cool!" Samuel piped up. "Maybe I should do that too. What do you think Al?" He asked Albert.

"Maybe you should stick to time travelling, Sam." Al said to Sam.

"Maybe..." Albert said, looking as if he had some reservations that he decided not to voice.

Samuel seemed pretty excited about the idea. "After we're all done all our projects and retire? I don't know, sounds like a good idea."

"Yeah sure!" Sam said hysterically. "Let's all write books! But right now, we've gotta get Al here to the hospital!" He finished tying on the last dog, climbed onto the dog sled and grabbed the reins. "Come on! Get on!"

Samuel and Albert scrambled onto the front part of the sled where normally one would put baggage.

"Mush!" Al said mischievously. The dog sled lurched forward, throwing all of the unprepared passengers off balance.

"What the-" Samuel said. "Did you tell them to do that?"

"Yep." Al grinned.

"No! I swear I didn't!" Sam exclaimed.

"Heh. I did." Al said.

"Huh." Albert wondered.

Samuel shook his head. "Well, no matter, we're all on the sled now and we're on our way."

The sled ride continued for two uneventful hours. When they arrived on the first aid campus, Albert and Samuel were asleep. Sam was half-frozenly attached to the sled. Al had left them to scout out the hospital.

"We're h-h-h-h here." Sam said through his chattering teeth. "G-g-g-g-guys-s-s. W-w-w-wak-k-k-ke up-p"

Albert was out cold, no pun intended. Samuel stirred beside him.

"Mrawrhfg." Samuel said groggily. "We're here? Already?"

"It's been two hours!" Sam, who had been awake for the entire ride, exclaimed in annoyance.

Samuel prodded Albert gently. "Al, A-Al."

"I think he's passed out." Sam told him.

Just then, Al (the hologram) came running through the door of the hospital in front of them (without even opening it, as a hologram does). Sam started to give him an annoyed look – he always acted annoyed when Al walked through things, to cover up how jealous he actually was – when he saw the panicked look on Al's face.

"Sam! Sam! Find a doctor!" Al yelled. "I'm-" And to Sam's complete shock, Al disappeared once again.

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