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It was a nice sunny day in the middle of June and my parents and I were driving to the store to pick up a new pool we bought online. Al l of a sudden a semi truck swerved and hit a tree wich caused the tree to fall on the road. my dad did not have enough time and we went flying up in the air while we were flipping. "MOM, DAD!!!" I yelled after we skidded to a stop an the wet grass. They were unconscious. "HELP, HELP!!!!" I yelled. Finally  two men came up and asked if we were okay. "NO, NO, MY MOM, MY DAD!!!" I sobbed. I heard sirens in the distance. "I can not get out can you help me please?"

 the ambulance came and took my parents and I to the hospital. hours later my parents were pronounced dead. when I heard those words my heart stopped. I could not believe my own ears. my heart sank 2 inches. Everything went black.

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