Best Friends?

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Ally and I were unpacking my stuff. With her help things went 2 times faster. While we were unpacking she was giving me pointers like who not to hang out with and what food not to eat. I guess there is horse meat in the meatloaf. Once we were done we walked to dinner. we sat together at our own table.

Tonight's dinner was spaghetti and meatballs. I picked all the meatballs out of mine. "How old are you?" Ally asked me. "13," I said. "Me too." she said with a smile. I think I am going to like Ally. "Are you starting 8th grade this year?" Ally asked me. "Yah, but I am nervous." I say. "don't be, everyone at our school is very nice. Especially Hailee. She is one of my best friends to." This made me feel better. "So I am One of your besties right?" I ask curious. "Of course you are!!! Now I don't think the pool is jumping in itself!"

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