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I was packing my bags to move to the orphanage. wasn't a good way to spend a sunny Friday. At least I don't have to go to school today. After I was ready a worker came and picked me up. I put my bags in the back and got in the car. The car was bigger than it looked on the outside. The man started driving. we didn't talk much on the way.

when we got their The man carried my bags inside, I followed. I walked up to the front desk and asked where I was supposed to go. "Oh, you are new here, my name is Amanda." She said. "Your roommate is Ally, I think you 2 will get along fine." Amanda said. She showed me to my room and there was a girl about my age sitting on a bottom bunk. "Hi, my name is Ally." she said. "you can have the top bunk if you would like."  

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