Chapter 6: The underground chamber

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"Are you guys alright?" Patty asked. "Wait, why are we all tied up?" Anngelina asked. "And where's Jackson?" Summer added. "I'm right here!" Jackson started to laugh insanely. "I tied you all up, now your my prisoners!" Jackson said. "Um.. Don't you mean hostages because that sounds a lot better?" Anngelina corrected. "SH-SHUT UP!!!! Don"t you dare correct me slave!!"Jackson yelled. "Oh yeah, my name is Anngelina, not slave." Anngelina corrected him again. "You just don't know how to shut up don't you?" Jackson asked.
"Actually, 'shut up' is not in my vocabulary you moron." Anngelina said. Suddenly, Jackson slapped her on the face while slapping the duct tape to her mouth. Her right cheek was cherry red. "There, now keep the word 'shut up' in your vocabulary ok slave?" Jackson asked politely. Anngelina just tilted her head to the right. "Good because your new name is slave and that's what you are, got that missy?" Jackson asked. But Anngelina just turned her head away from his. Later that night, they were forced to serve him. "Hey guys, when are we gonna go home?" Anngelina said starting to cry.
"Awww, don't cry Petunia." Patty said hugging her. That made her cry even more because that made her wonder how far they are from home. "How are we gonna get out of here?" Summer asked. "I don't know what you mean, we're underground right? So if he goes to sleep-" "We kill him!!!" Anngelina interrupted Patty. "BOI, do you want karma or not?!" Patty asked. "Fine, we not gonna kill him, but how are we gonna get out?" Anngelina asked. "As I was going to say!!! Patty raged, Wen he goes to sleep, and sneak out of the door and run for our lives quietly." Patty explained.

"Ok, is everything clean slaves?" Jackson asked coming out of nowhere. "Ye-yeah totally!" Anngelina quaked while trying to act innocent. "Good, now make my food, NOW!!" Jackson ordered with rage. "Okay... I don't know how to cook." Anngelina confessed to Summer and Patty. "That's ok, I'll cook instead." Summer insisted. "Alright enough acting like maids and let's figure out how we are going to escape!!" Patty ordered. "Okay, but we still have to do the things that he ordered us to do so he won't get suspisios." Summer concluded. "Fine, but let's just hurry up k' guys? Patty hesitated . Anngelina and Summer agreed and went on with the orders they were given by Jackson.

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