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I flinched as my phone went off. So did my boyfriend.


"Are you going to look at it?" He said, sounding aggravated.

Gingerly I picked up the phone, sighing in relief when I realised that it was just my godfather.

"It's just Sirius." I told him.

"Let me see." He replied.

I handed the phone over to him and watched as he read the text, the muscles in his jaw visibly relaxing. Still, he didn't look too pleased.

"He shouldn't be bothering us at this time of the evening. Don't he and Lupin have...better things to do?" He sneered.

"Sorry. I'll ask him not to do it again."

"Good. Now come here, I've barely seen you all day."

Carefully I moved along the couch and positioned myself so that my head was resting on his collarbone. He wrapped his arms tightly around my middle. I understood that he was overprotective of me. Something to do with a past relationship, he had once mentioned.

It was...nice, I supposed, to have someone care about you so strongly. Yes, it was definitely nice.

So why did I feel uncomfortable in his grasp?

"I don't think you should go and see your godfather tomorrow." He said eventually.

"Why not?"

"He must have better things to do with his time. Besides, it's dangerous in the city. You might get hit by a car or something."

"I know how to cross a road, Draco."

"I never said you didn't. But you still have to be careful."

"I promise I will be. It'll be fine love."

"I just think it's a bad idea." He pouted and averted his gaze, looking worryingly similar to a kicked puppy. It was stupid, I know, but I couldn't say no to that face.

"Alright. Alright. I'll stay here tomorrow if it means that much to you."

"Thank you. I knew you'd understand eventually."


"That better not be Black again." Draco snarled angrily. "I thought you told him to leave you alone?"

"I did." I replied, picking up my phone warily.

"Well who is it?"

I gulped. It was one of my co-workers at the bookstore I worked part-time at. A co-worker that Draco had yet to know about.

"It's just a co-worker from the store Draco." I replied timidly.

"Give it to me." He commanded. I hesitated. "Now!"

Quickly I passed the phone to my boyfriend, scared of what he would do if I refused. He had never hit me before, but he was stronger than me and if he was in a bad enough mood I didn't know exactly what he was capable of.

"I've never heard of Seamus before." His tone was icy.

"He's new."

"Really? That's a pretty convenient story Harry. Are you sure he's not more than an acquaintance? More than a friend?"

"I promise you, I've only known him for a week, and besides I love you, I would never even think of-"

"You liar! You would have an affair behind my back after everything I've done for you?"

"No! I wasn't Draco. I wasn't! Seamus has a boyfriend. I don't even like him like that."

"I don't believe you." His voice was thunderous now. Standing above me, he seemed to block out all light, making me shrink backwards in fear. I felt like a caged animal, scared out of its wits. I could only whimper as his fury bore down upon me.

I faintly heard a crash as my phone hit a wall and smashed violently, thrown aggressively by my boyfriend.

"You know how I feel about cheating, Harry. You're mine. Mine I tell you! No one else's. All mine. And you dared to give yourself to someone else."


"Just shut up! I don't want to hear any of your pathetic little excuses. You were always pitiful at lying. Nothing's changed."

I wanted to move, but I couldn't. I was frozen, stock still, like a deer in the headlights of a car. I could only watch as Draco turned and strode into the kitchen returning in mere seconds, clutching an object in his hand.

"I'm not going to let you leave me. I love you too much to let you go. You need to learn who you belong to. You'll never, never defy me ever again."

The object glinted slightly in his hand as he raised it. My breath caught in my throat as I watched its ascension, desperately trying to move but feeling as if I had been forcefully stuck to the sofa. I heard a guttural, animalistic scream work its way out of my open mouth, a noise of sheer terror, and failed to tear my terrified gaze away from his eyes - filled with a venomous hatred and desire for vengeance.

And then, silence. The noise died in my body as the cold, steel pierced my skin, drawing a thin line of oozing red liquid from a well deep within me, the entity responsible perpendicular to my chest. I found myself choking and gagging, a waterfall of scarlet rushing from the open cavern of my mouth.

His eyes were still hard and unforgiving. He panted, as though he had just completed some sort of particularly strenuous exercise. Then, as though coming out of a trance, I watched as he came alive, and realised the truth of what he had just done. His eyes showed a dawning horror in them.

I felt dizzy. My hands, my clothes, my body was stained bright with the colour of murder. I felt myself sway and drop to my knees, and then to the floor. I do not think I felt much pain, the shock was far too great.

All around me was red, and then black, and then red again. My vision faded in and out, blurring and hazing my surroundings. The figure still loomed over me, and then suddenly it didn't. The world faded to black once more and stayed that way.

The blood flow slowed, and eventually stopped, the knife still lodged in its fatal position.

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