Land Line

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  "No, I refuse to live my entire life with out you." Kim sobbed, still half asleep. She had been dreaming that she was an elderly lady reading to a child. In the dream she had grown old without ever seeing Edward again. The thought made her heart ache.

 " RING" the sound of the phone (come on ---its the 90's, after all) woke her up the rest of the way.

 "Hello," Kim asked, trying to sound like she hadn't been sleeping. 

"Good afternoon, may I speak to Kim Bogg, please ma'am." A polite gentleman said calmly.

 "Yes, this is her." Kim said.

"Delightful, we looked over your application and we would like to offer you a position at the Grand Heights Hotel and Casino. Would you still be interested in the position." He said, hopefully. 

"Yes, of course." Kim said in disbelief that she had been picked. 

Many of her friends had been turned down in the past. The casino jobs were very sought after and they provided housing on site as part of the benefits. The gentleman gave her instructions to meet him tomorrow and she agreed that she could begin working immediately.

Kim closed her eyes and imagined what it would be like to live somewhere other than her parents' home. The idea created a bit of excitement in her. Ever since Edward left the Bogg family, that horrible night, things have been different, depressing. Her father Bill had taken up several new hobbies, while her mother Peg had given up on selling Avon products for the time being and began doing nails in the local nail salon. It seemed as if her parents were filling their days with these new interests in effort to push the thoughts of Edward away. 

The city had condemned the old mansion on top of the hill and recently an unknown investor bought it. Crews had been slowly working on the old place but it nearly broke Kim's heart. Tears welled in Kim's eyes at the thought of having no idea where Edward was, if he was even alive at all. She had sneaked inside the old building the night before it would be completely closed off to the public, but Edward was either not there, or unwilling to show himself. Kim sighed heavily and dismissed her hopeless thoughts. She was ready for a change in life, a new start.

The casino came into view as the bus rounded the corner to the stop. The place was stunning and expansive, truly a sight to behold. There was an entire wing dedicated to housing the servants and employees of the casino. Kim carried her bag inside and waited at the concierge desk while the attendant called the manager to announce her arrival. The marble floors sparkled under iridescent lights that were strung across the high ceilings. The ceilings were painted to look like the morning sky with large stained glass domes depicting historical events in the colored glass. All of the walls were heavily adorned with ornate paintings and woodworking. It was very elegant. Every bar and restaurant had a uniquely beautiful theme and in the center of the building was the casino.

 Every bar and restaurant had a uniquely beautiful theme and in the center of the building was the casino

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