Rock Me Amadeus- Part 4

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Kim reached the roof top and noticed Edward looking nervously over the edge. A group of paramedics were guiding a body concealed in a black bag out of the casino and making their way to an ambulance. Kim walked over and put her arm around him, 

"Don't look." she whispered trying to comfort him. 

  "I have deep concerns about you working here- it's very dangerous. If anything ever happened to you, I couldn't live with that." Edward said, turning to Kim and looking deep into her eyes. 

The light of the moon cast shadows across her youthful features, she was so beautiful. The urge to kiss her was too strong and he could not longer resist. She seemed a bit surprised when she felt his lips touch hers, but he was so warm and comforting. She knew in her heart that she wanted to be with him.

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Her face grew serious, "We can quit this job right now, and we can go home." Kim said rapidly, as if it was important to make a decision quickly.

"Home?", a voice mocked them and they both turned to face the person. 

"Kevin," Kim said, completely surprised to see her younger brother standing there. "What are you doing here?" she asked stepping away from Edward, slightly embarrassed.

"Seriously Kim? You are in love with HIM? He's a murderer!" Kevin said, his voice sounding very unsteady, as if there was a great amount of built up rage behind it.

"Stop it Kevin, it's not true!" Kim said grabbing Edwards shirt and slightly cowering from her brother.

"Well, he's going to be blamed for every single murder, I've been planning this for months... and you're going to defend him, because you are in love." Kevin said violently yanking Kim away from Edward and throwing her to the ground. He reached into his jacket and pulled out one of Edward's severed blades, showing it to Edward proudly, "Remember this?" he then held the blade to Edward's throat and gave Kim a look of warning. "I simply can't stand it anymore." Kevin said, shaking. "Dad bought that stupid mansion and is fixing it up just in case Edward ever came back. HE WOULD NEVER DO THAT FOR ME! His only son!! I am his only son!!!" Kevin screamed pushing the knife into Edward's skin.

Edward calmly closed his eyes and dealt with the pain. His loyalty to the Bogg family prevented him from taking any action to protect himself against Kevin's attack

"And the hands, don't get me started on how many hours dad has been spending on making those damned things - even mom is in on it! She made perfectly cute fingernails for you Edward!" Kevin screamed, pulling Edward into his chest violently, as blood began dripping from the blade in his hand. His foot stepped back, near the edge of the roof.

A tear ran down Kim's face and she wiped it away, "Kevin, I didn't know... please.." Kim sobbed.

Seeing the fear in Kim's teary eyes caused a sort of calm to come over Kevin. He looked at her innocent face and knew that once he killed Edward he would have to kill her too, and he wasn't sure if he could go through with that. He had killed four women recently, and it was so easy each time because he had sealed it in his mind that it was all Edward's fault. But, something was different about Kim, his only sibling.

Kevin's mind was racing and he began to feel a bit dizzy, he could hear the sound of the police coming up the roof access stairs. His knees were shaking and he felt his foot slip, he lost his balance and reached his hands out as he fell backwards into nothingness.

In one swift motion, a blade sliced through his jacket, bringing his fall to a rapid halt. His body dangled over the edge helplessly as he was slowly lifted back up to safety by Edward. Kevin couldn't help but cry uncontrollably but as he looked into Edward's eyes, he knew he wanted to grow up to be strong and kind, just like him. He would never harm another person as long as he lived.

The End   

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