Working as a Waitress at a Cocktail Bar- Part 3

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"Dreaming of your Romeo?" Claire laughed, interrupting Kim's thoughts and she began organizing the silverware and rolling them into napkins again.

"I was actually just thinking about him." Kim admitted, laughing. "Where has he been?" Edward had been gone over a month and the murders had stopped completely. Even though many of the staff members were starting to lighten up again, Kim felt she couldn't trust anyone completely, except Edward. Kim starred at Claire wondering if she had something to do with the crimes.

"You didn't hear about his wedding?" Claire answered, seeming bored. "He and Jim just finished catering a huge wedding event. I wonder if Edward scared any small children." Claire made scissor motions with her fingers.

Kim bumped her shoulder playfully, and rolled her eyes. 

"Now, be a doll, would ya, and go empty these ash trays outside." Claire said, handing Kim a stack of dirty ash trays. 

The rusty door screeched as it shut behind Kim. The temperature outside was warm and there was no need for even a light jacket. Confusion spread over Kim's face as she set the ashtrays down and reached out her hands. To her amazement, it was snowing. She gently caught one of the tiny flakes in her hand and brought it close to examine it. It was paper and had a tiny red heart printed on it... "it's a playing card from the casino!" Kim thought happily and began dancing in the beautiful summer night snow fall. Her apron flaring as she spun around carefree.

  "Hello, my love" Edward said softly, as he stepped down from the buildings fire escape where he had been shredding the cards

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  "Hello, my love" Edward said softly, as he stepped down from the buildings fire escape where he had been shredding the cards.  

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"The snow is beautiful, Edward." She said running to him and wrapping her arms around him. "Just like a fairy tale." Kim said, looking deep into his eyes.

He gently and carefully held her. "My inventor used to read fairy tales to me, and I searched for you ever since I heard the first one." Edward whispered into ear while feeling her hair gently brush his face.

Kim heard the sound of a car approach behind them, and she felt Edward push away softly. The headlights flashed and she realized she was standing alone in the lights of a police car.

Kim looked towards the casino as the silence was overcome by shouting. She saw her manager Jim being escorted to the parked police car by an officer and the casino security.

"I- I'm innocent I swear! I would never hurt Claire - let alone KILL her- please officer, listen!" Jim begged, struggling slightly.

"Sir, we are taking you to the station-just have a few questions for you." The officer answered impatiently, annoyed that Jim wasn't fully cooperating.

"Claire is DEAD?!" Kim said running towards the police car. She felt a wave of panic sweep over her. She had just been talking with Claire a few minutes ago and couldn't bring herself to accept that something happened to her.

"Ma'am we need you to go back inside . The building is on total lock down for the investigation. Is anyone out here with you?" The officer asked, looking at Kim suspiciously.

Kim glanced behind her, the scene was absolutely still with not a soul in sight.
"No" Kim answered sadly before turning to go back inside as instructed. She hadn't heard the rusty door open or close, so she knew Edward must have climbed the fire escape to the roof.

She entered the restaurant and made her way directly to the roof access stairs. She carefully avoided even looking into the main dining area where all the police and paramedics gathered, not wanting to catch a glimpse of Claire's lifeless body. As she climbed the stairs she began to feel a ping of guilt for ever thinking that Claire was behind the murders. Obviously, she had been wrong about her.  

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